April 8, 2019
Pile Driving Contractors Association Admin

PDCA conducted its annual Strategic Planning meeting from Jan. 9 to 11, 2019, in Atlanta, Ga. To signify organizational progression, the day and a half event opened with a formal "passage of the gavel" from immediate past president Larry Moore to current PDCA president Scott Callaway; Callaway led all subsequent proceedings. Paralleling the gavel transfer, former executive director Steve Hall handed over his duties to his successor Frank Peters, who assumed the executive director role for the entirety of Strategic Planning. From there, the PDCA Board of Directors, along with several past presidents, held intensive discussions, strategy sessions, break out groups and continued discussions during lunch and dinner. At the conclusion of all proceedings, the group collectively put forth a draft proposal of what is now referred to as the 2019 PDCA Strategic Plan. This document, comprised of core values, came back before the Board of Directors during a Jan. 30, 2019 meeting. At that time, the board approved the aggressive Strategic Plan designed to guide PDCA through the calendar year 2019.
The 2019 PDCA Strategic Plan will draw upon existing and new resources to optimize three dependent, yet exclusive association values: Education, Membership and Visibility. The board adopted a plan that calls upon all members, committees and staff to carry out numerous objectives that advance current association practices in each of these critical areas. With respect to Education, PDCA is working to improve existing educational programs and develop new ideas that are timely, accessible and portable. Membership has gained new resources to proactively retain and grow all levels of support. Finally, Visibility is another objective that is benefitting from new and enhanced resources, including an updated, more powerful web presence; moving forward, PDCA will draw upon this and other strengths to optimize its brand in the marketplace. A driven pile... is a tested pile. And a thoughtfully conceived action plan... is the 2019 PDCA Strategic Plan.
Pile Driving Contractors Association
Pile Driving Contractors Association
Posted in PileDriver Magazine. Tagged as Edition 2, 2019.