A Bright Future for the PDCA Texas Chapter

In January, 2022, the PDCA Texas Chapter formally incorporated with a slate of officers and aspirations to affiliate with PDCA. The Board of Directors quickly and enthusiastically voted to bring the regional organization into the international trade association, and the new Chapter has had its figurative foot on the gas ever since. Under the leadership team of President Brandon Bicknell, VP Condon Verble, Treasurer Arjin Dogan, and Secretary Armando Guajardo, the PDCA Texas Chapter hosted two Mixers, a Lunch and Learn and contributed to an industry technical program in Houston. It developed a new logo, launched a quarterly newsletter, established an online form for membership application, and quickly added a membership roster of a Who's Who in the Texas pile driving industry. Ultimately, it has revamped an industry presence in the state which hasn't had an active chapter in several years. 

Building a viable and thriving organization is job for experienced builders, and the leadership team at the Texas Chapter has delivered an important product to the region. But the rapid growth and success did not come without its challenges. Sadly, Treasurer Guajardo (pictured) succumbed to a fatal illness in October, immediately prior to the Chapter's first Lunch and Learn. Recognizing him as a key player in establishing the Chapter, those assembled at the event paused for a moment of silence to honor the significant contributions he made which helped pave the way for the very event they were attending. "Armando was a man of strong character who did not back down to a challenge," said VP Verble. "With these qualities and his good-natured personality, he was highly influential in helping reform the Texas Chapter. We are grateful for his tremendous contributions and will miss his talents moving forward."

 As a new year begins for the PDCA Texas Chapter, members will gather for a January 18th organizational meeting at 6:00 PM CST at the offices of Russell Marine LLC in Channelview. During that gathering, they will vote to elect a new Secretary and Treasurer, as Bicknell and Verble will serve another year at the helm. Members have begun submitting nominations. The January meeting and elections are the start to a new year that will feature a series of activities taking place over the following months. Read the notice to members about the nomination process and 2023 events.

PDCA stands ready to continue providing administrative and other peripheral support to the PDCA Texas Chapter and the other regional Chapters. Thank you for supporting PDCA through membership and participation in these organizations.


So, You Completed an Impressive Piling Job in '22; Can It Compete Against Your Peers?

We periodically visit member offices and oftentimes get surprised to see PDCA exhibited in any number of ways. Sometimes, we will notice a wall-mounted article that published in PileDriver magazine, other times we will see a plaque noting participation in any number of PDCA functions. And on a handful of occasions, we will encounter a full trophy case that includes a variety of PDCA hardware; such was the case in October 2022 when we visited the Baltimore offices of Kokosing Industrial, Inc. There, we observed a large collection of trophies earned from winning entries in several years of The PDCA Project of the Year Awards Program.  

The annual, signature competition among members vying for the judge's nod in the Land, Marine, Earth Retention, and Associate/Engineer categories begins with the new year. Watch your inbox on January 3rd for an announcement about the opening of the submission period for the 2023 PDCA Project of the Year Awards Program, an entry form will accompany that communication. Then, the countdown begins. You will have only until May 5th to complete the entry form, draft the publication-ready narrative, compile a minimum of six hi-res job photos and send it all to PDCA using an electronic file link. Yes, you have plenty of time, but why not check this to-do item off the list early in the year?

PDCA has experienced an upward trajectory in entries over the last several years and we hope that trend continues. No, we don't want a mutiny from our volunteer judges, but we do want to encourage a healthy competition among members that will translate to a continued optimization of the pile driving industry. Thank you in advance for participating in the 2023 PDCA Project of the Year Awards Program!

Please be advised, entry in this members-only program is FREE. If you are not a member, but want to participate, simply enroll in PDCA now. You can learn more about PDCA membership when you CLICK HERE.

Boston Charities Benefit from Area Foundation Industry, PDCA Donations

The team from Geosciences Testing and Research, Inc. in North Chelmsford, Massachusetts sent a strong contingent of engineers to the Holiday Social.
Brad Roberts (right), a Senior Principal at GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc., joined volunteers at the Holiday Social registration desk to greet attendees and encourage their charitable contributions.
The Foundation & Marine Contractors Association of New England (F&MCA) represents numerous PDCA members on a regional level in the northeastern U.S. The group, nearing 90 years in existence, has an annual tradition of a 'Holiday Social' each December when members and others gather for an evening of networking and dinner with industry colleagues and friends. This year, the geotechnical community got together on Thursday, December 15th at the Revere Hotel - Boston Common

Since F&MCA and PDCA share similar missions in representing pile drivers, the New England-regional organization extended, and PDCA accepted, an invitation to the 2022 Holiday Social. 

New this year, F&MCA President Bob Tonning encouraged attendees to help those in need; "We will extend holiday cheer to those who need it most by collecting donations at the door in support of Boston-are food banks and shelters," wrote Tonning, in a personal appeal to invitees. Without hesitation, the PDCA Board directed a $250 donation to the charitable effort.
Several PDCA members who also participate in F&MCA, attended the Holiday Social. See who was SPOTTED:

PDCA thanks the F&MCA and its leadership team for the opportunity to participate in the 2022 event. Here are a few more photos of F&MCA members who were in attendance:

F&MCA 2022 Leadership: (L-R) Secretary Justin Zarella, Treasurer Steve Hinterneder, President Bob Tonning, and VP Tom Day


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