SPOTTED: Opening Reception for Conference at Mission Bay Resort

Posted in PDCA Annual Confernece.

Conference Gives Attendees Two Chances at Many Elective Sessions

Jennifer Anderson delivers elective course, 'Effective Communications for Leaders,' after presenting opening keynote address, also on business communications.

Deborah Gardner presents elective session entitled 'Women Reshaping the Construction Industry - Winning Big and Living Fearlessly'

Takefumi Takuma, Shinya Kubo of Giken America Corp. give repeating, technical talk: Deepening Existing Berth for Larger Vessels with Pressed-In Pipe Piles Installed Through Ripraps.

Johnna Emanuel, PE of GeoStructures presents two installments of elective course, Ductile Iron Piles in NYC - Small Sites in the Big Apple!

Love Veronneau, CEO of Stabilforce Technologies, twice delivers elective session entitled Foundation Stabilization Innovation

Rian Johnson, P.E., S.E., P.Eng., and VP at PND Engineers, Inc. shares insight on Project of the Year Award-Winning Taiheiyo Cement Marine Facilities: Open Cell Sheet Pile System

Elective sessions attendees had significant opportunity to interact with subject matter experts who delivered business and technical presentations.

Posted in PDCA Annual Confernece.

Conference Presentations Bring Topics Important to Pile Drivers

Following breakfast in the Exhibit Hall, the PDCA 2023 Annual Conference formally opened at 8:15 AM on February 8th; Executive Director Frank Peters and President Brian Heck coordinated the opening ceremony and provided the capacity audience with an association update. Following their remarks, Opening Keynote speaker Jennifer Anderson of Moving Forward Solutions, Inc. delivered a one-hour presentation. 

For the Opening Keynote, Ms. Anderson presents 'Communication for Today & For Tomorrow,' offering important perspectives on modern business communication

Silas Nichols, P.E., a principal geotechnical engineer with the Federal Highway Administration, delivers the technical talk, 'Estimating Bearing Resistance in Driven Piles'

Project Manager Darren Riddle of Foundation Constructors won a Project of the Year Award in 2022 for Sierra Point Phase 2 and 3; he shares insight into the California job with Conference attendees.

Likewise, Stewart Willis of Pacific Pile & Marine and Steve Spencer, P.E. of GeoEngineers detail their work on their award-winning project,
Port of Alaska Modernization - Petroleum & Cement Terminal. (Chris Lundfelt of PPM was on this job as well.)

The educational portions of the 2023 Conference concluded on the morning of February 9th; Norma Jean Mattei, Ph.D., P.E., delivered the important topic of Engineering Ethics, sponsored by Boh Bros. Construction Company, LLC. Then, Dr. Catherine Aimone-Martin appeared on a previously recorded video on which she presented Vibration & Pile Driving.

Posted in PDCA Annual Confernece.

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