Steel Sheet Pile Resource Page, Online and Optimized

(L-R) Ian Vaz, Co-Chair of Steel Sheet Pile Committee, Alwyn McDowall is a Committee Member

Visitors to the PDCA website have access to a variety of technical materials in The PDCA Technical Library. Thanks to the work of the PDCA Steel Sheet Pile Committee, there is ample content for parties interested in learning about technical aspects of steel sheet pile installation and foundations. Because the Committee has been diligent in contributing an abundance of resources related specifically to steel sheet piling over the years, it determined through the encouragement of the Board of Directors, that it was time to reorganize the content and enhance its navigability.  In April, the Committee announced that the new Steel Sheet Pile Resource Page under the Technical Library of the PDCA website is live and ready to go.  

Here is more information about the Steel Sheet Pile Committee, presently co-chaired by Gerry McShane (pictured) and Ian Vaz, and the work it has done since its inception in 2017:

Scope of Steel Sheet Pile Committee

This Committee is comprised of PDCA members who are professionals in engineering, manufacturing, consulting, installing, selling, and distribution of steel sheet piling for foundation and earth retention purposes. It is committed to educating industry professionals specifically on sheet piling. Also, it works to establish PDCA as a leader in fronting technical discussions on sheet piling. The group shares a collective goal to bring the best technical information to the industry covering a range of topics including, benefits, design and applications, plan review and value engineering, installation, and project expense.

Here is a timeline depicting the resources the Steel Sheet Pile Committee has developed throughout the course of its existence; all of the content listed below is organized and available on the Steel Sheet Pile Resource Page in the PDCA Technical Library.


  • Sheet Piling Installation Guide
  • Steel Sheet Pile Corrosion Guide
  • Retaining Wall Cost Comparison Guide


  • Sheet Pile Frequently Asked Questions Guide
  • Hammer for Sheet Pile Installation Specification Database
  • Basic Principles of Hammers for Sheet Pile Installation Guide
  • Introduction Presentation on Sheet Pile Corrosion Protection
  • Introduction Presentation on Sheet Pile Corrosion Protection (continued)
  • Steel Making Presentation and Manufacturing Resources
  • Introduction & Discussion Guide on Double Clamp Installation Methods & Cost Comparison (Coming Soon)
  • Introduction of Steel Grade Options (Coming Soon)
Committee Members:
  • Gerry McShane, Chair
  • James Dempsey, Board Liaison
  • Kathy Harper, PDCA Staff Liaison
  • Ian Vaz, Co-Chair
  • Ryne Allen
  • Bruce Colson
  • Simon den Tuinder
  • Rafael Garcia
  • Ethan Liberty
  • Alwyn McDowall
  • Zac McIntosh
  • Hal Mulveney
  • Barry Phillips
  • Takefumi Takuma
  • Andy West

To visit the new Steel Sheet Pile Resource Page, click the photo sheet pile wall designed by Earth, Inc., below:What Exactly Is Sheet Piling and What Is It Used for?

From the Communications Committee: PDCA LinkedIn is Moving

(L-R): Harris, Moore

The following is an advisory from Chairman Jason Moore and Publisher Jill Harris from the PDCA Communications Committee: please address your connection to PDCA LinkedIn.

When LinkedIn was in its infancy and PDCA was jumping on board, we were a little too eager in our set-up and accidentally made PDCA a person. 

First name: Pile Driving
Last name: Contractors Association

And no, this isn't a story about AI. (Although, we could probably all agree that "Pile Driving" as a first name has a nice ring to it.)

While PDCA has coexisted on LinkedIn with both a personal and company page, with an updated social media strategy from the Communications Committee, the time has come to bid farewell to Pile Driving, the person.

From now on, all LinkedIn updates from the PDCA will come from our company page, linked below. Please take a second and follow that page so you don't miss anything.

We will be reminding the 4,400+ followers of our personal page of this change over the next two weeks; in May, the personal page will be deactivated. Click the button to follow the Pile Driving Contractors Association on LinkedIn: 

Exhibit Sales for IFCEE '24, Now Open; Reserve Your Spot in Dallas Today

Did you enjoy IFCEE in 2021? Then just wait until IFCEE 2024, coming back to Dallas, May 7-10 next year. 

If you plan to exhibit, indoor and outdoor booth sales are currently open, and they are going fast! Make sure to secure your space today. PDCA and our industry partners look forward to you joining us for this LANDMARK industry event.

Please click the following graphic to secure your booth today:

#IFCEE 2024 is not too big, not too small, it's just right! And the best part? It's exclusively for the deep foundation industry!

Join us in Dallas, Texas, where you can connect with over 2,000+ deep foundation professionals to showcase your products and services and EASILY network with key decision-makers from around the world!

Don't miss out on this incredible LANDMARK industry event! 
Pile Driving Contractors Association / Deep Foundations Institute /Geo-Institute of ASCE / #ADSC

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