PileDriver Magazine - Career Story, Mike Robinson

ICE wishes the best of luck to this long-time industry veteran as he enters retirement
by Debbie Reaney, International Construction Equipment, Inc.

Earlier this year, International Construction Equipment, Inc. (ICE) said goodbye to an outstanding sales leader and mentor, Mike Robinson. For Robinson's retirement, ICE shares some of his insights and memories.

Grandfather of three boys and two girls, Robinson says his 13-year-old grandson is interested in tinkering and could be the next big innovator in the industry. The others are younger, and Robinson is holding out hope that they might take an interest in the pile driving industry. 

Robinson's youngest son is an electrician and his oldest is a welder by trade, who also owns his own fabrication shop and business.

"Be a leader and not a follower," is something Robinson has instilled in his children and grandchildren ensuring they know there are consequences to every decision...

Pile Drivers Hammer Golf Balls at Annual Northeast Chapter Outreach Event

For the third year in a row, members of the PDCA Northeast Chapter congregated at TopGolf in Edison, NJ to hold a Meet and Greet social which was also an opportunity to introduce potential new members to the organization. Dozens of contractors, manufacturers, suppliers, and other affiliates of the driven pile industry enjoyed showcasing their golf swings, networking with colleagues and friends, filling up on BBQ, and hearing a briefing on the latest in PDCA news, both at the Chapter and national levels.

Once all participants had arrived and settled in for the evening, President David Price publicly thanked event sponsors R. Kremer & Son Marine Contractors, Junttan USA, and Clydesdale Steel, before welcoming attendees and encouraging those who are not already members, to consider joining PDCA. He also gave the group a sneak preview of the next Chapter event coming August 11th, the very popular Annual Sporting Clays Fundraiser, which will again take place in Coplay, PA. Watch PDCA Publications and your inbox for forthcoming announcements. In support of the Northeast Chapter, staff from the PDCA office attended the TopGolf function and provided an update on news from the national organization. 

The PDCA Northeast Chapter thanks all members for ongoing support of the driven pile industry and hopes to see you again in August.
See who was SPOTTED at Annual TopGolf Meet and Greet and New Member Outreach event:

Posted in Chapter News Northeast.

Chapter Hears Tech Presentation about Below-Grade Parking Garages

Ric Anderson, PE, SE presents technical project story to SC Chapter

Marty Swain, Candi Stegall, Kent Parker, Pete Adams of Parker Marine Contracting

Initially, it was an industry breakthrough for the Charleston, SC market. Now, it has become a prototype for similar driven pile projects in the fast-growing historical city on the eastern seaboard. Attendees at the Quarterly Dinner Meeting of the PDCA South Carolina Chapter heard a presentation entitled "Below-Grade Parking in Charleston" by Ric Anderson, PE, SE - Nucor Skyline. As the supplier of the structural steel for two underground parking garages, including The Bennett Hotel in 2017 and 595 King Street in 2019, Mr. Anderson discussed many of the technical considerations that builders encountered when constructing those facilities Local deep foundations contractor Parker Marine Contracting installed the driven pilings for both projects and several representatives from the company were in attendance to hear the presentation on May 11th.

In addition to the technical program, the meeting included a separate segment to honor Richard Gilbert for his years of dedicated industry contributions. Now retired, Mr. Gilbert spent decades with Nucor Skyline and was instrumental in growing and strengthening the PDCA Chapter in South Carolina up until his 2015 retirement. He was introduced by Chapter founder Harry Robbins and presented a miniature pile driving rig trophy for his years of work advocating the driven pile.

(L-R) Richard Gilbert, Harry Robbins
SC Chapter members honor Gilbert

The PDCA South Carolina Chapter thanks all attendees of the May Quarterly Dinner Meeting, the group will next convene on August 10 at the Town and Country Inn & Suites in Charleston. Watch for future announcements in your inbox and on the PDCA Events Calendar online for forthcoming registration information. All 2023 Quarterly Dinner Meetings of the Chapter are brought to you by PDCA members Koppers, Nucor Skyline, Junttan USA, Palmetto Pile Driving, Inc., ECS Limited, and ICE-International Construction Equipment. 

See who was SPOTTED at the PDCA South Carlina Chapter dinner:

Posted in Chapter News South Carolina.

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