Contractors, engineers, equipment manufacturers, and material suppliers who are
PDCA members and supporters of the
Deep Foundations Institute (DFI), are returning from Atlanta, Ga where DFI, in partnership with
ADSC, hosted the annual
SuperPile '23. Event attendees participated in committee meetings, an exhibit hall, a variety of technical presentations, the
Women in Deep Foundations reception, foundation industry networking opportunities, and more. PDCA is a
Cooperating Organization for DFI functions and staffed the June SuperPile at the Mariott Marquis Downtown Atlanta.

Subject matter experts on components of the pile driving industry who are PDCA members were among the many presenters during program. Member companies to give SuperPile '23 presentations;
ICE-International Construction Equipment, Inc., (
Fugro USA Land, Inc., Keller, The Citadel, Georgia Institute of Technology, Dan Brown and Associates, PC, Cajun Industries, LLC, Geosciences Testing & Research, Inc., GRL Engineers, Inc. Several PDCA members sponsored the two-day event in various capacities, they included:
APE-American Piledriving Equipment, Inc., PileCo, Inc., Liebherr, Junttan USA, Richard Goettle, Inc., GRL Engineers, Inc., Keller, and Nucor Skyline.
See which PDCA members were SPOTTED at SuperPile '23:
Committee Meetings
PDCA attended the
Working Platforms Industry-Wide Working Group (not pictured);
PDCA Safety & Environmental Committee Chair Chris Normand spoke on behalf of the pile driving industry and how it is prioritizes safety in every facet of the practice, including the working platforms.
Also, PDCA attended the
DFI Driven Pile Committee Meeting. Longtime PDCA Engineering Affiliate members and new
Driven Pile Committee Co-chairs
Seth Hamblin and
Greg Canivan took the reins to the committee earlier this year and presided over their first live meeting during the DFI event. PDCA President
Brian Heck, Executive Director
Frank Peters, US-DOT Federal Highway Administration Principal Bridge Engineer
Silas Nichols,
PileDriver magazine publisher
Jill Harris, and a host of PDCA Contractor, Associate, and Engineering Affiliate members participated in the proceedings.
Women in Deep Foundations Networking Reception
exhibit hall