The Band Is Getting Back Together: CFI 2025 Heading to Mississippi!

In 2022, PDCA introduced the Contractors Foundation Institute: The Driven Pile Academy (CFI), an initiative led by the PDCA Associate Member Council. The event took place in Duson, LA, and for three days, attendees participated in an industry learning program unlike anything they had ever done. It consisted of one day of classroom education followed by two days in the field where they were afforded hands-on access to piling equipment and materials. After hours, there was time for relaxation and fun, such as the authentic crawfish boil host contractor Patriot Construction and Industrial offered.

Attendees enthusiastically compliment the program, and those missed out the first time have encouraged PDCA to do it again. The program is established as one that will repeat every three years, though the location, equipment, and materials will be different each time. But as we inch closer to 2025, PDCA is excited to tell you that the next offering of CFI is coming to Port Bienville, MS, November 10-14, 2025. Mark your calendars and watch for forthcoming announcements.

Chapter Growth at PDCA Northeast, the 'Driver' Behind Annual TopGolf Event

The PDCA Northeast Chapter has successfully engaged the pile driving industry throughout New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and surrounding states through the variety of events it hosts each year. A popular event that attracts members, but also focuses on organizational growth, is the annual TopGolf Meet & Greet and New Member Outreach gathering in Edison, New Jersey.

Members brought their industry peers identified as potential PDCA Northeast Chapter members, to the regional TopGolf location on May 15th, where they experienced many of the attributes offered through PDCA. In addition to competing from the TopGolf tee boxes, attendees enjoyed networking and refreshments.

The Chapter leadership team thanks all event sponsors, attendees, and friends considering membership, for participating in the annual TopGolf event. PDCA recognizes Megan & Jaxson Sadler for providing a few photos from the rainy evening, despite the wet conditions. However, members stayed dry under cover as they showed off their driving abilities.

The Chapter reconnects on August 9th in Coplay, PA for the annual Sporting Clays Fundraiser

Posted in Chapter News Northeast.

Past Pres. Roasted, Insurers Talk Heavy Civil Issues at SC Chapter Dinner

(L-R) Chapter VP Jordan Houston, Bill Thomas, Brian Land, Candi Stegall, Pres. Kent Parker, Kali Shaefer

During the first three months of 2024, the PDCA South Carolina Chapter delivered members a full slate of events that provideded a variety of opportunities for member engagement; among them were educational enrichment through the Driven Pile Technical Seminar, fellowship and trivia during an impromptu happy hour, and extension of a longstanding Chapter tradition with the annual Oyster Roast. On Thursday, May 16, 2024, the Chapter convened for its first formal dinner meeting of the year, and the first chance for president Kent Parker to conduct official Chapter business. 
After the networking happy hour that precedes every Chapter dinner, Parker called the meeting to order and delivered opening remarks. The new president began: "Wow! I want to thank John King for his dedicated service as past president, but I have to tell you - I feel like Ronald Reagan taking over for Jimmy Carter** up here. The bar was set, but not too high..." The good-natured remark drew laughter from King, and those in the crowd who understood that it was a well-intended, ice-breaking quip to highlight King's propensity for discussing politics.
(L-R) Pres. Carter*, John King
*PDCA credits the Atlanta Braves organization which posted the photo of Pres. Carter on X

**(Parker's invocation of two former, American presidents references politically motivated recollections of their two very different, but no less distinguished, public service careers. PDCA does not endorse political ideologies, but in this case, recognizes the words as nothing more than harmless, playful rhetoric, rooted in 40-year-old political party-line narratives. May former President Reagan rest in peace, and may former President Carter receive the best care available in his fragile state. Both highly-accomplished men led remarkable American lives.)

Following the short, general business meeting that recapped the various events to date in 2024, Parker recognized two Chapter Board members who won 2023 PDCA Association Awards, recently announced during a special awards ceremony in Dallas, TX. Jason Moore, a former Chapter and PDCA president, and presently the Chairman of the PDCA Communications Committee, was presented the Presidential Award for Distinguished Service. Also, Greg Canivan, a past Chapter president and current PDCA Board of Directors member, received the John T. Parker Industry Ambassador Award, a special honor that singles out a South Carolina Chapter member for demonstrating a commitment to advocating the driven pile on both local and global platforms.

(L-R) Jason Moore, Greg Canivan awarded during special ceremony

Parker introduced the informational program while attendees enjoyed a buffet-style dinner. Adam Jarrett and Kali Shaefer are insurance professionals with Assured Partners, who specialize in management of a heavy construction clientele. Jarrett delivered a presentation entitled 'The State of the Insurance Market,' which discussed the conditions, sometimes negative, that commercial customers are facing, but also pinpointed signs for optimism in some of the industry forecasting. At the same time, he articulated the mounting challenges that carriers face due to ongoing changes in the regulatory environment. His presentation prompted a series of questions at the conclusion of the program.

Before the meeting ended, Parker held a raffle for attendees through a random drawing of business cards. Chapter member Taylor Kelso  was the lucky winner of a $75 gift card to Outback Steakhouse. The next meeting of the PDCA South Carolina Chapter is scheduled for August 8th at the Town and Country Inn & Suites in Charleston, SC.

See who was SPOTTED at the 2024 second quarterly meeting of the South Carolina Chapter:

Posted in Chapter News South Carolina.

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