Many now consider virtual events as "the new normal," therefore the 2020 Pile Driving Contractors Association Annual Conference launches this week under a modfied name; the PDCA 2020 Annual Conference Webinar Series. It is a five-part, interactive, online event taking place the first Wednesday of every month, August through December. This Wednesday, August 5th from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM (EDT), the series begins with the first two sessions.
3:00-4:00 PM, The Effects of Substance Abuse on the Construction Industry by Rick Kalson, Esq. of Benesch Law
4:00-5:00 PM, Are Ethics Ruining Your Business? by Dr. Brad Allenby of Arizona State University
Forthcoming sessions for the PDCA 2020 Annual Conference Webinar Series will cover a variety of other essential subjects concerning business practices and the deep foundations industry (all times Eastern):
- September 2, 2020 from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM, Dedicated Pile Driving Certification Requirements by Toya Brown of NCCCO
October 7, 2020 (time, TBA) Working Platforms Update by Peggy Hagerty Duffy of ADSC
November 4, 2020 (time, TBA) You've Stopped Getting Paid, Now What? by Ryan Maloney, Esq. of Jimerson Birr
December 2, 2020 (time, TBA) Tilting at Windmills: Don Quixote Meets the International Building Code by Dale Biggers of Boh Bros. Construction
All segments of the PDCA 2020 Annual Conference Webinar Series are provided to members of PDCA at no cost; non-members can register for any or all events which require a $50 per session registration fee (please note - registration for the August 5th event that includes two sessions carries a $100 fee). Non-members are encouraged to contact PDCA to learn how to apply their event registration(s) to a new PDCA membership. All participants will be awarded Professional Development Hours for completing the scheduled events. Note to participants; all webinars will be conducted through the Zoom platform.
PDCA's Manager of Education and Events Kathy Harper (pictured above supporting a presenter during the 2019 PDCA Annual Conference) continues to migrate 2020 Association conferences and educational opportunities to virtual events. You are encouraged to contact Kathy with questions at