UPDATED! Pacific Coast Shoot Draws Large Crowd, Raises Funds for Students

(L-R) Doug Ollis, Dermot Fallon, Tommy Haupt, Darren Riddle, Jeff Arkin, Mark Weisz, Ryan Turner. Not pictured, Matt Lehmann

Pile drivers in California and throughout the West Coast know to reserve the last Friday in April for the PDCA Pacific Coast Chapter Scholarship Shoot, an annual fundraising event conceived to assist young people seeking higher education in pursuit of a construction management or engineering career. The annual event for 2024 was a resounding success when upwards of 130 deep foundations professionals assembled on April 26th at Birds Landing Hunting Preserve, east of Oakland, CA, on a cool, crisp Friday morning. It was the start of an eventful day that involved a clay shooting competition, a Chapter meeting, networking, a hearty lunch, and an enviable collection of raffle prizes. Most importantly, it generated $25K for the PDCA Pacific Coast Chapter Scholarship Fund.

As the day wore on, the temperature warmed and the competition smoldered. Several shooters qualified for various team and individual awards, presented by Chapter President Dermot Fallon.

In addition to the competition on the shooting course, President Fallon called for a vote of the Chapter membership, to elect a new leadership team (pictured at the top of the post). Mark Weisz returns as Chapter Treasurer and Doug Ollis comes back to the leadership board. New to the board are Tommy Haupt, Matt Lehmann, Darren Riddle, Jeff Arkin, and Ryan Turner

Following the business meeting, a spirited raffle and live auction helped grow the scholarship fund that will be awarded to select student applicants in August, in advance of their first semester in an institution of higher education. The event raised around $25,000, thanks to the generosity of participants and sponsors. Those who sponsored a shooting station included: Independent Pipe, Nucor Skyline, Bay Machinery Corp. Oldcastle Infrastructure, PJ's Rebar, Northern CA Carpenters, Magna, Central Concrete, and Pile Drivers, Bridge, Wharf & Dock Builders.

Some participants went home with great prizes like an all expense paid hunting trip, bragging rights and a trophy, a new gun, fishing gear, adult beverages, new logo items, and more. But all participants left the event knowing that they contributed to the important cause of helping develop a new generation of deep foundation professionals in the west coast region.

Enjoy the following photo montage of the2024 PDCA Pacific Coast Chapter Scholarship Shoot....

Posted in Chapter News Pacific Coast.

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