The Band Is Getting Back Together: CFI 2025 Heading to Mississippi!

In 2022, PDCA introduced the Contractors Foundation Institute: The Driven Pile Academy (CFI), an initiative led by the PDCA Associate Member Council. The event took place in Duson, LA, and for three days, attendees participated in an industry learning program unlike anything they had ever done. It consisted of one day of classroom education followed by two days in the field where they were afforded hands-on access to piling equipment and materials. After hours, there was time for relaxation and fun, such as the authentic crawfish boil host contractor Patriot Construction and Industrial offered.

Attendees enthusiastically compliment the program, and those missed out the first time have encouraged PDCA to do it again. The program is established as one that will repeat every three years, though the location, equipment, and materials will be different each time. But as we inch closer to 2025, PDCA is excited to tell you that the next offering of CFI is coming to Port Bienville, MS, November 10-14, 2025. Mark your calendars and watch for forthcoming announcements.

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