Chapter Growth at PDCA Northeast, the 'Driver' Behind Annual TopGolf Event

The PDCA Northeast Chapter has successfully engaged the pile driving industry throughout New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and surrounding states through the variety of events it hosts each year. A popular event that attracts members, but also focuses on organizational growth, is the annual TopGolf Meet & Greet and New Member Outreach gathering in Edison, New Jersey.

Members brought their industry peers identified as potential PDCA Northeast Chapter members, to the regional TopGolf location on May 15th, where they experienced many of the attributes offered through PDCA. In addition to competing from the TopGolf tee boxes, attendees enjoyed networking and refreshments.

The Chapter leadership team thanks all event sponsors, attendees, and friends considering membership, for participating in the annual TopGolf event. PDCA recognizes Megan & Jaxson Sadler for providing a few photos from the rainy evening, despite the wet conditions. However, members stayed dry under cover as they showed off their driving abilities.

The Chapter reconnects on August 9th in Coplay, PA for the annual Sporting Clays Fundraiser

Posted in Chapter News.

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