With a resume that includes an early civil engineering career in India and the Middle East, a completed masters degree and PhD in the U.S., and an impressive list of high profile projects in the Charleston, S.C. region, Susheel Kolwalkar of Insight Group confesses that active engagement in recreational table tennis provides him necessary relaxation and enjoyment when he needs a break from the demands of his career. He clarifies that it is known as 'ping pong' in the U.S.

Dr. Kolwalkar recently earned appointment to the PDCA Board of Directors from his peers in his local Chapter; he now serves as the PDCA South Carolina Chapter Representative. "I've been with the local PDCA chapter for five years; four as an elected board member and now Chapter Vice President," he explained. "I attend all quarterly meetings and technical seminars. And I never miss an oyster roast! It's a great industry gathering where we talk shop in a relaxed setting."
"When I attend chapter events, it provides a good networking platform where I can share and acquire knowledge from other like-minded individuals who strive to advance the pile driving industry," he said.
Noting Charleston contains a geological composition that favors driven pile foundations, his six years there have brought many welcome, professional challenges and numerous, satisfying final products. A notable example; "Insight Group recently completed deep foundation testing services at the new Hugh Leatherman Terminal and the connecting Port Access Road and Tidewater Road bridges. This is a $1B project and the most important infrastructure project that the South Carolina Ports Authority has ever constructed and the only new terminal under construction in the United States."
With more than 20 years experience as a professional engineer, Dr. Kolwalkar has also helped shape the future of the industry through academia. He conducted research at Cleveland State University and taught a variety of civil engineering courses at Ohio's Youngstown State University. "Teaching at YSU was useful while training and mentoring several interested deep foundation testing professionals."

By day, the Senior Geotechnical Consultant at Insight Group is part of a highly-skilled, collaborative team of engineers and scientists which provides consulting services to contractors, designers and owners. But he does enjoy time away from the grind. "I like spending time with family and friends...listening to different music and playing table tennis, or 'ping pong' as it's known in the U.S. Also, I've voluntarily served on the Executive Committee of the India Association of Greater Charleston (IAGC) between 2017 and 2019." Oh, and we've already established, he doesn't miss an Oyster Roast (pictured).
In his newest, voluntary role with the PDCA Board of Directors, Susheel Kolwalkar joins Association leadership which oversees all administrative, educational, advocacy and event activity for the pile driving contractors, equipment manufacturers, industry suppliers and affiliated engineers.