(L-R) Jason Bales presents on pile driving for the solar industry, Kumar Allady, P.E. presents 'Lifecycle Monitoring of Foundations; both occurred at 2022 Annual Conference
Have you ever considered sharing your expertise with other PDCA members and pile driving industry professionals? Do you have, or could you produce a case study or abstract on a technical concept you have successfully mastered? The PDCA Education Committee invites your topic ideas, papers, and presentation suggestions as it develops the curriculum for the DICEP conference coming to New Orleans in September and the 2023 Annual Conference slated for San Diego in February 2023.
The upcoming conferences that the Education Committee is looking to fill with your presentations follow:
2022 DICEP
September 12-14, 2022
New Orleans, LA
Deadline to submit content: May 31, 2022
2023 Annual Conference
February 7-9, 2023
San Diego, CA
Deadline to submit content: June 30, 2022
If you are interested in submitting content ideas for an upcoming PDCA conference, please CLICK HERE to learn how.