DICEP '23 Delivers 8.5 hours of Diversified Education in Houston

DICEP '23 featured thought-provoking programming (L-R: Chad Held, Clayton Signor, Silas Nichols)...

...and an active Exhibit Hall (L-R: Josh Martinez, PE, Mike Leal, Kristian Dietel, Shiri Foster, Tim Williamson, Brad Roberts).

Participants in DICEP '23 earned up to 8.5 Professional Development Hour (PDH's) credits for attending the variety of educational sessions at the September 12-13 PDCA technical conference in Houston and your certifications are on the way to your inboxes. The 2023 program took place at the Marriott West Loop near the Houston Galleria and attracted attendees from across North America. DICEP was rich in diverse content, providing all attendees with the opportunity to gain new perspectives on a well-rounded menu of technical presentations during the 1.5 day event. Participants took advantage of the following sessions and activities and convened for breaks, meals and a networking reception in the sold-out Exhibit Hall. Here is a summary of the event:
  • panel discussion about the role of geotechnical engineering on design-build
  • presentation on the installation of an offshore platform
  • understanding on construction costs related to steel sheet piling materials, design, configuration and installation
  • discussion about an earthen levee retrofit with pressed-in double sheet pile walls
  • optimizing pile lengths with an embedded instrumentation load test program for a large industrial plant
  • a comparison of two shorings
  • the role of sustainability in future design
  • innovative methods of pile installation
  • an academic presentation on the fundamentals of driven pile design 
  • design considerations for displacement rigid inclusions
  • a discussion of the Surfside Beach Pier Replacement, a winning project from this year's PDCA Project of the Year Awards
  • networking time during breakfast, lunch, and a Meet & Greet Reception in the at-capacity Exhibit Hall
The DICEP '23 Exhibit Hall was at capacity, where industry suppliers and manufacturers provided professional staff available to discuss their products and services with attendees. PDCA thanks the following exhibitors: GRL Engineers, Pile Dynamics, Inc., Meever USA, Lodge Lumber, Hammer & Steel, PACO Equipment, American Piledriving Equipment, JD Fields & Company, Essve Tech, Inc., Bauer Equipment America, Dawson Construction Plant, Giken America, Eustis Engineering, Sutherland Pipe and Supply, Liebherr, Service Steel Warehouse, American Equipment & Fabricating, and Pileworks.

Additionally, the following DICEP '23 sponsors helped make the annual event a success: American Equipment & Fabricating, Darkhorse Metals, GRL Engineers, Pile Dynamics, Inc., APE-American Piledriving Equipment, Liebherr, and ICE-International Construction Equipment, Essve Tech, Inc., Lodge Lumber.

Photos from DICEP '23 in Houston, TX, thanks to attendees, presenters, exhibitors and sponsors!

Scenes from the technical program...

Seen in the Exhibit Hall...


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