GeoCongress '23 Brings PDCA Members to L.A., Features Preview of IFCEE '24

A busy GeoCongress has just completed its annual run; deep foundations professionals from around the world descended on the Los Angeles Convention Center to hear insightful presentations, gain increased technical perspectives, learn about the latest in instrumentation and equipment, and network with industry peers at the premier event offered through the GeoInstitute of ASCE

A very important component of GeoCongress 2023 was the spirited 'kickoff' that IFCEE 2024 received. As many of you know, the International Foundations Congress and Equipment Expo, or IFCEE, takes place every third year and it is due for a run next May in Dallas, TX. Since IFCEE is conducted through a joint venture involving PDCA, the Association of Drilled Shaft Contractors (ADSC), the Deep Foundations Institute (DFI), and the GeoInstitue of the American Society of Civil Engineers, many of the event planners were in Los Angeles and met about the major industry affair that is just over one year away. They took the opportunity to all dawn their straw cowboy hats (IFCEE edition), and present to the GeoCongress attendees, an overview of what they can expect next year. PDCA is excited to coordinate with its fellow organizations in the deep foundations industry and assist in hosting IFCEE on May 7-10, 2024.

PDCA recognizes several members who participated in the GeoCongress event, whether they were there to present, exhibit, sponsor, compete or attend purely for enrichment. The following is an INCOMPLETE list of PDCA members who we know were  there in one capacity or another!

  • APE-American Piledriving Equipment, Inc.
  • Eustis Engineering
  • GeoSyntec
  • GRL Engineers
  • Haley & Aldrich
  • J.D. Fields and Co., Inc.
  • Keller
  • Morris-Shea Bridge Company, Inc.
  • Nucor Skyline
  • Pile Dynamics, Inc.
  • Smart Infrastructure Group
  • Terracon
Many thanks to PDCA members who posted social media photos of their participation in GeoCongress 2023, we were able to borrow several of them for the photo display below. Also, special thanks to Lucky Nagarajan who went out of her way to help us get a few extras to add to the collection.

and from LinkedIn, here's an exciting post from Engineering Affiliate member Thomas & Hutton who sponsored a team of students from GSU:

Thomas & Hutton
Thomas & Hutton

Congratulations to the Georgia Southern College of Engineering & Computing students who represented #GeorgiaSouthern at the Geo-Institute of ASCE's Geo-Congress in Los Angeles last month! The GeoWall Team of Tanvir Ahmed, William Eason, Anu Pradeep, and Ana Lanza Hernandez finished in the top 8 designs in the GeoWall National Competition, where students design and construct mechanically stabilized earth retaining walls.

We were honored to serve as one of the team's sponsors. Thank you to Dr. Soonkie Nam with the Department of Civil Engineering and Construction for allowing us to support these bright and accomplished students! #HailSouthern #GSU #GoEagles #ASCE #GeoWall #GeoWallCompetition #GeoCongress #mygeoinstitute #geocongress2023 Georgia Southern University ASCE - Georgia Section American Society of Civil Engineers

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