The PDCA Steel Sheet Pile Guides Webinar is a one-hour, professional development resource featuring instruction from industry leaders Dr. Richard Hartman of Hartman Engineering, Richard Morales of LB Foster and Gerry McShane of Service Steel Warehouse. The live Webinar aired May 19, 2020 and is now available in its entirety at The PDCA Store. It is a free download for PDCA members; non-members can obtain the proprietary education for $50 due at the time of download. Individuals who watch the entire Steel Sheet Pile Guide Webinar also qualify for one Professional Development Hour (PDH) credit.
In 2019, the PDCA Steel Sheet Pile Committee produced three important publications that analyze various aspects and considerations of steel sheet piling practices. All three are also available at The PDCA store for purchase (free for members) both individually and as a set which includes the Steel Sheet Piling Corrosion Guide, the Retaining Wall Cost Comparison Guide, and the Steel Sheet Piling Installation Guide. If your company either supplies, installs, or purchases steel sheet piling, then these guides will be a significant reference and the PDCA Steel Sheet Pile Guide Webinar will provide a head start in understanding the important information included in these publications.
Contact PDCA today if you want to learn how to become a member and gain free access to this educational material.
In 2019, the PDCA Steel Sheet Pile Committee produced three important publications that analyze various aspects and considerations of steel sheet piling practices. All three are also available at The PDCA store for purchase (free for members) both individually and as a set which includes the Steel Sheet Piling Corrosion Guide, the Retaining Wall Cost Comparison Guide, and the Steel Sheet Piling Installation Guide. If your company either supplies, installs, or purchases steel sheet piling, then these guides will be a significant reference and the PDCA Steel Sheet Pile Guide Webinar will provide a head start in understanding the important information included in these publications.
Contact PDCA today if you want to learn how to become a member and gain free access to this educational material.