August 10, 2018
Pile Driving Contractors Association Admin

I hope this edition of PileDriver finds you and your firm well and shows how we are moving the association and industry forward by working together.
The featured articles on some high-profile marine and bridge projects highlight the skills of our member firms and demonstrate the benefits of driven piles as a viable and economical deep foundation solution.
Please review the information about our upcoming Design and Installation of Cost Effective Piles (DICEP) conference to be held in Baltimore, Md., in September 2018. We have assembled a great slate of speakers focused on the future of America's infrastructure renewal and the role of driven pile products in these projects. Your attendance and participation in the lectures, presentations, display booths and networking events helps spread the benefits of driven piles as a viable and economical deep foundation solution and support of excavation system, and drives new membership. I've always found this to be a great event to get to know more members and openly share ideas and experiences that can help solve the problems we all see on our jobs every day. It's through the camaraderie and free exchange of ideas and experiences we find common ground to advance our cause and interests and be better tomorrow than we were today. Please consider attending and refer to our website,, for additional registration information.
The Membership Committee has been busy supporting chapter reorganization events in Florida, Texas and the Mid-Atlantic regions to revitalize our local presence. The participation and interest at the events so far has been amazing and energizing. The Florida and Texas chapters will be offering sessions in October and November focused on contractual risk, unforeseen conditions and claim avoidance. Please keep your eye out for the next event in your area and bring someone new along to share the value you find in these PDCA experiences.
Scott Callaway, our vice president, Steve Hall, our executive director and I attended the GeoCoalition meeting in June 2018 with The International Association of Foundation Drilling (ADSC), the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists (AEG), Deep Foundations Institute (DFI), Geoprofessional Business Association (GBA), the Geo-Institute of ASCE (GI), the United States Universities Council on Geotechnical Education and Research (USUCGER) and the Canadian Geotechnical Society. The purpose of this meeting was to identify and collaborate on common issues impacting the geo-construction industry. The common topics being addressed by the partner organizations were:
Contractual risk assessment and allocation PDCA, GBA and DFI have been working together through events like the IFCEE panel discussion on geotechnical risks to raise awareness in the industry of how attempts are being made to allocate risk unfairly on a variety of project types and through a variety of contract delivery methods. Our Contracts and Risk Committee has been at the forefront of these efforts.
Recruiting the next generation of geo-professionals and craft employees ADSC's new campaign, "Six Figures, No Suits," aims to recruit high school, trade school and college students into the foundation construction industry. PDCA, ADSC, AEG, ASCE and DFI have agreed to collaborate on this effort through coordinated messaging and outreach efforts.
The need for increased infrastructure funding All of the participating organizations agreed to support ASCE's "Infrastructure Report Card" effort and issue a combined statement of support to the United States Congress. In the coming months, the PDCA Communications Committee will be rolling out a new newsletter format that will help better communicate current events stories and legislative actions at the state and federal levels that impact our industry. Your outreach to your local representatives will be needed to help advance this effort. Please get involved!
Licensure AEG, GBA and ASCE GI have been tracking and combating efforts to dilute the importance of licensing professional engineers and geologists within various states around the country. If you hear of such legislative efforts within your communities, please reach out to your local representative and reiterate the importance of professional licensure and the role it has in maintaining public safety and advancing the engineering profession.
By partnering with other like-minded industry associations, we can actively promote the need for infrastructure investment and other common goals. Joining with other industry organizations at events like this helps to raise the awareness of these issues and enhance PDCA's impact in the design and construction industry.
Our momentum and influence as an organization is growing and it doesn't happen without dedicated members like you. We are off to a great start and we are moving forward in 2018. Thank you for your continued support and participation, and I hope to see you at DICEP in Baltimore in September.
Pile Driving Contractors Association
Pile Driving Contractors Association
Posted in PileDriver Magazine. Tagged as Issue 4, 2018.