Kenner, LA (November 18, 2021): In the final meeting of 2021, the PDCA Gulf Coast Chapter gathered at Messina's restaurant in Kenner, Louisiana on November 18th. The quarterly dinner meeting was sponsored by Upperline Equipment Company. Members caught up with friends, established new industry contacts and enjoyed an open bar. Dinner and a business meeting followed the social hour. The 2022 Chapter leadership was determined through a member election. PDCA congratulates the newly-elected officers who will assume those roles, effective January 1, 2022.
Serving one-year terms, the following deep foundations professionals comprise the PDCA Gulf Coast Chapter, 2022 leadership team:
- President: Gerard Chenevert from Group Industries, LLC (pictured, left)
- Vice President: Dylan Andre from Patriot Construction and Industrial, LLC (right)
- Treasurer: Brent Guthrie from Cajun Industries, LLC
- Secretary: Tony Sepulvado from Boh Bros. Construction Co., LLC
Check back for forthcoming announcements from the PDCA Gulf Coast Chapter which will be setting 2022 quarterly dinner meeting dates and additional events for the local pile driving industry.