ISSUE 3 2018
June 14, 2018Features
64 Time is MoneySavings from testing the driven pile foundation of a high-rise building
74 Promoting Workplace SafetyLouisiana's GROUP Deep Foundations is using a short service worker program to help protect its employees from construction hazards
PDCA Project of the Year Awards
32 The 2018 Awards Program
35 Contractor entry guidelines
36 Associate/Engineering Affiliate entry guidelines
Project Spotlight
86 Driving Extra Long Steel Sheet PilesChesterfield Associates replaces steel sheet piles at a New York pier
Member Profiles
79 Ingenieria Proyectos y Construcciones IPC SA de CV
81 Tolunay-Wong Engineers, Inc.
93 Concrete Bridge TechnologyProduction of prestressed concrete piles using stainless steel strand
99 Managing Risk When Buying SteelStrategies to consider
101 Which Wood?The proper specification of timber piles
PDCA Committees
105 PDCA Contracts and Risk Committee: Risky BusinessWho owns the risk even after it is seemingly transferred?
PDCA Trailblazers
107 Butch CaseyGulf South Piling and Construction Inc.
111 Sonny DuPreThree Rivers Outreach/Cape Romain Contractors
PDCA Young Guns
113 Diane FischerGRL Engineers, Inc./Pile Dynamics, Inc.
115 Susheel KolwalkarTerracon
6 President's Message
11 Executive Director's Message
15 Calendar of Events
17 2018-19 Board of Directors and Committee Chairs
New Director Profiles
25 PDCA Membership Benefits
27 Article Submission Guidelines
31 New PDCA Members
37 Did You Know?
39 PDCA News
45 PDCA Chapters
49 PDCA Upcoming Event
DICEP 2018 Full Conference Brochure
63 PDCA Portable Education Courses