PileDriver Magazine - Issue #3 2023


In this issue of PileDriver magazine, read about how Cape Romain Contractors has built South Carolina's iconic Folly Beach Pier twice, once in the early '90s and again in 2022. The new pier is 22 feet above sea level and supported by concrete pilings as opposed to the timber pilings that the previous pier was on. About 40 of the 228 PCCPs had to be lengthened with 30-foot steel stringers. Read about this interesting job and its unique challenges in the newest issue of PileDriver.

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Screen shot of the Rigging It Right Toolbox Talk page
Toolbox Talk:
The Crucial Role of Proper Rigging
The latest in PDCA's 2023 Toolbox Talks, the PDCA Safety & Environmental Committee offers pointers when it comes to the significance of proper rigging. Don't forget to visit www.piledrivers.org to download this free resource and use it with your crews.

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Photo of marine pile driving
Project Spotlight:
NYC Ferry Homeport II Site
Trevcon Construction project manager Anika Alam walks us through how the Trevcon team is progressing as it helps facilitate the growth of NYC's waterfront transportation system.

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Project Spotlight:
Casco Bay Cofferdams
International Construction Equipment, Inc.'s Debbie Reaney talks about H.B. Fleming's work on the massive infrastructure upgrades currently underway in Maine, aimed at protecting local waterways.

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Aerial photo of a highway overpass
Driven Piles Outperforming Drilled Micropiles
Experts from Geosciences Testing and Research, Inc. give us a thorough look at an innovative driven pile solution for the Rhode Island Route 6/10 Interchange project.

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Graphic for a legal article  showing an hourglass and coins on a teeter-totter
Key Contractual Payment Provisions and How State Law Can Impact Your Rights
Seyfarth Shaw LLP breaks down different clauses that can affect your right to payment in different U.S. states. If you like getting paid, don't skip this article.

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