The latest PileDriver magazine, Issue #5 - 2021 includes two article submissions from public relations professionals who address various considerations for contractors who are building in populated areas.
The first article is entitled "Public Relations and Communications Guidance for the Construction Industry," by Lisa Joselove (pictured, right) and Christine Fournier (left) of Joselove-Filson Advertising, Inc. It acknowledges that noise and vibration concerns can become a problem of public perception for driven pile contractors. The authors share a few important tips about public relations as a means to build trust in the communities where your company works in order to create more tolerance and goodwill from community members. Read more, starting on Page 91.
Offering another perspective in "Stay Ahead of Noise and Vibration Complaints," author Kelly Nettleton Kennedy of the Kennedy Consulting Firm addresses the issue and encourages contractors to employ community relations and strategic communications components for jobs that are vulnerable to public scrutiny. Read more, starting on Page 94.
Aside from public relations issues surrounding noise and vibrations in pile driving, this issue of PileDriver also includes content about solutions for contractors to consider such as testing and monitoring programs as well as equipment developments and alternatives available in the marketplace.