Pile Drivers Hammer Golf Balls at Annual Northeast Chapter Outreach Event

For the third year in a row, members of the PDCA Northeast Chapter congregated at TopGolf in Edison, NJ to hold a Meet and Greet social which was also an opportunity to introduce potential new members to the organization. Dozens of contractors, manufacturers, suppliers, and other affiliates of the driven pile industry enjoyed showcasing their golf swings, networking with colleagues and friends, filling up on BBQ, and hearing a briefing on the latest in PDCA news, both at the Chapter and national levels.

Once all participants had arrived and settled in for the evening, President David Price publicly thanked event sponsors R. Kremer & Son Marine Contractors, Junttan USA, and Clydesdale Steel, before welcoming attendees and encouraging those who are not already members, to consider joining PDCA. He also gave the group a sneak preview of the next Chapter event coming August 11th, the very popular Annual Sporting Clays Fundraiser, which will again take place in Coplay, PA. Watch PDCA Publications and your inbox for forthcoming announcements. In support of the Northeast Chapter, staff from the PDCA office attended the TopGolf function and provided an update on news from the national organization. 

The PDCA Northeast Chapter thanks all members for ongoing support of the driven pile industry and hopes to see you again in August.
See who was SPOTTED at Annual TopGolf Meet and Greet and New Member Outreach event:

Posted in Chapter News Northeast.

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