PDCA Events at IFCEE 2021 (photos!)

Dallas, TX (May 13, 2021): While it may take some time for all equipment and displays featured by exhibitors at the triennial International Foundations Congress & Equipment Expo to arrive back at company properties, event attendees are returning to offices, shops and yards from what many in the deep foundations industry have deemed a successful event. Commonly known as IFCEE it was a LIVE, week-long technical conference and trade show at the Hyatt Regency in Dallas from May 10-14. More than 125 exhibitors spread across indoor and outdoor exhibition areas. Also, more than 50 technical presentations were delivered in live and virtual formats. IFCEE happens every three years; it is a collaboration of deep foundations construction association partners, the Pile Driving Contractors Association (PDCA), the Association of Drilled Shaft Contractors (ADSC), the Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) and the Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

IFCEE 2021 included a variety of content and special events designed exclusively for pile drivers and PDCA members:

  • LIVE meetings of ALL standing committees
  • TWO short courses; 'Safe Working Platforms for Construction Equipment' and 'Deep Foundations QC/QA for Engineers, Contractors and Inspectors'
  • E.A.L. Smith Award Lecture honoring Dr. Frank Rausche 
  • PDCA members' reception, meeting 
  • Invited Session; 'Vibrations' by subject matter expert, Dr. Cathy Aimone-Martin
  • A PDCA booth in the Exhibit Hall which recognized all exhibiting members
    • Exhibiting PDCA members included:  UBC Pile Drivers & Divers, Bauer Equipment America, Junttan, Hammer & Steel, Gilbert, CZM Foundation Equipment, ESC Steel, MKT, American Piledriving Equipment - APE, GRL Engineers, ECS Limited, LBFoster, PVE Equipment USA, GeoQuip, DarkHorse Industries, Pile Master, Keller, ICE-International Construction Equipment, DuroTerra, PILECO, Inc., Pile Dynamics, Inc., Lodge Lumber, American Equipment & Fabricating, JD Fields & Company, Liebherr, Nucor Skyline, Giken, Service Steel Warehouse, Jinnings Equipment, Favor Steel & Fabricating, Consolidated Pipe & Supply, BUILDBASEMATIC, ECA.

Check out the following pictorial display of the various PDCA events that took place at IFCEE 2021, were you spotted by our camera? We will be sharing additional photos from the exciting show in Dallas, so check this blog page often.

IFCEE opened with a panel discussion among PDCA Pres. Kevin Gourgues, Mike Wysockey (DFI) and leaders at ADSC, GeoInstitute; Peggy Hagerty-Duffy moderated.
Dr. Cathy Aimone-Martin offered unique perspectives on 'Vibrations'. PDCA Technical Chair Dale Biggers recruited her after a 2019 engineering conference.
Dr. Frank Rausche was invited to present the coveted E.A.L Smith Award Lecture; he discussed his history of involvement in deep foundations engineering.
PDCA members gathered for an evening reception and membership meeting where they heard a short presentation on The State of PDCA.
The first live PDCA Board meeting for new members Harold Baur and Bruce Langan; the Board of Directors met in-person to conduct association business.
IFCEE had a virtual track for those unable to attend; engineer Mike Venezia helped develop the program and Susheel Kolwalkar was a presenter. 
The PDCA booth gave publication resources, membership applications and a place to meet staff. It proudly featured a large sign highlighting exhibiting members.

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