Spotted: PDCA Members at 2020 ASCE GeoCongress

Minneapolis, MN (February 28, 2020): PDCA Members participated in the 2020 GeoCongress, an annual event from the American Society of Civil Engineers. It is designed to promote the geotechnical profession and enhance the career development of practitioners. The 2020 GeoCongress took place February 25-28 at the Hyatt Regency in Downtown Minneapolis, MN. It offered a large variety of educational and professional development sessions as well as opportunties for attendees to enjoy activities unique to Minnesota. Dave Christian who is an Olympic Gold Medalist from the 1980 "Miracle on Ice" U.S. Hockey Team gave a keynote speech and afterwards signed autographs and stood for photos with several admirers such as Van Komerka of GRL Engineers. Also, Silas Nichols of the Federal Highway Administration demonstrated new virtual reality technology that is presently used in the field on geotechnical building projects. Evening fun was available to attendees; there was a Prince Party celebrating the late musician from Minneapolis and a group block at an NCAA Men's Hockey game between the University of Minnesota and the University of Michigan.

In 2021, the PDCA Annual Conference, the ASCE GeoCongress, the DFI Annual Conference and the ADSC Annual Conference all combine into the International Foundation Congress and Equipment Expo or IFCEE. That will take place in May in Dallas, TX. The GeoCongress set aside a promotional booth for IFCEE 2021 and the parties involved in the planning and coordination took the opportunity to work on the forthcoming, major industry event.

PDCA Members who call the Twin-Cities home were also on hand at the event to participate in various capacities. American Engineering Testing, Inc. brought several staff members, including Katie Zadrozny who co-presented at the break out session on ASCE's governmental relations operations and the production of the Infrastructure Report Card. Contractors Atlas Foundation Company and Veit & Company exhibited as did engineering affilate Braun Intertec.

Other PDCA Members who participated as event sponsors and exhibitors included Atlas Pipe Piles, DuroTerra, Equipment Corporation of America, Fugro Loadtest, Giken, Goettle, GolderGRL Engineers/Pile Dynamics Inc., Keller, Nucor Skyline and Terracon.


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