PDI Celebrating 50 Years of Piling Instrumentation Innovation

Don't miss the newest issue of PileDriver magazine which includes an article marking the 50th anniversary of Pile Dynamics, Inc. (PDI), a Cleveland-based developer and manufacturer of instrumentation that has revolutionized the deep foundations industry over five decades. Two of the company's three founders co-author the chronicle of PDI history, starting with the vision of the late George Goble, who, with his research team of Frank Rausche and Garland Likins, developed a prototype of a Pile Driving Analyzer in the early 1970's. From there, Rausche and Likins take the reader through the years which brought the company international marketability, a product line ever-increasing in sophistication, a division which has matured into a full service geotechnical engineering firm, and significant growth in both personnel and facilities. The story of PDI represents true success in entrepreneurship, collaboration, dedication, creativity, innovation and savvy. PDCA congratulates PDI on a half century of excellence.

Click here to read Pile Dynamics, Inc. Driving Half a Century in Remarkable Progress in Deep Foundation Quality Assurance in the digital edition of PileDriver magazine.

PDI has long been a valued supporter of the driven pile industry and PDCA. Here a just a few photos from PDCA files depicting PDI participating in deep foundations industry events.

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