Pile Driving Excellence, Industry Contributors Celebrated at Awards Lunch

PDCA crowd gathers for May 10, 2024 lunch to support winners of 2023 Project of the Year and Association Awards

The 2023 PDCA Project of the Year and Association Awards Ceremony took place on May 10, 2024 at the Hyatt Regency Dallas, immediately following the conclusion of formal programming at the International Foundations Congress and Equipment Expo (IFCEE). This was a change to past practice, initiated by the PDCA Board of Directors, to facilitate a timely, public celebration of the various winners, rather than wait for the next PDCA Annual Conference in 2025.

Several PDCA members who attended IFCEE stayed after the show to attend the luncheon ceremony and support the winners of Project of the Year Awards (POY) which exemplify excellence in pile driving, and the Association Awards winners who have been identified as significant industry contributors. Others made a special trip to Dallas to participate in the special program. PDCA Executive Director Frank Peters served as emcee of the event while PDCA President Brian Heck personally awarded all winners. 

See the photos below which identify the 2023 awards winners:

Forefront Deep Foundations
POY, Land: Less than $1M

Texas Pile LLC,
Clayton Signor representing
POY, Land: $1M-$5M

R.E. Pierson Construction Co.
POY, Land: More than $5M

Cape Romain Contractors,
Leonard Pharr representing
POY, Marine: Less than $5M

Pacific Pile & Marine,
Eric Muller representing
POY, Marine: More than $5M

Richard Goettle, Inc.,
Doug Keller representing
POY, Earth Retention: Less than $5M

ASAP Group,
Ed Bisono representing
POY, Earth Retention: More than $5M

Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering,
Michael Simpson and Peter Graff representing
POY, Associate/Engineering Affiliate

Dr. Richard "Dick" Hartman
POY, E.A.L. Smith Award Lecture

Chris Normand
Committee Chair of the Year

Greg Canivan
John T. Parker Industry Ambassador Award

Les Chernauskas
Dr. Frank Rausche Professional Engineer's Service Award

George Smith (accepted by John Miles)
Associate Member of the Year

Jason Moore
Presidential Award for Distinguished Service

Buck Darling
Lifetime Achievement Award
2023 PDCA Project of the Year Awards Winners

Land: Less than $1M
Forefront Deep Foundations, Inc. 

Mexico-U.S. Port of Entry Bridge Widening over the All-American Canal

Land: $1M-$5M
Texas Pile, LLC
Z Modular San Marcos

Land: More than $5M
Richard E. Pierson Construction Co., Inc.
Tradepoint Atlantic Inner Berth Bulkhead Improvements, East Berth

Marine: Less than $5M
Cape Romain Contractors, Inc.
Noisette Creek Pedestrian Bridge

Marine: More than $5M
Pacific Pile & Marine
Port of Alaska Petroleum & Cement Terminal Phase 2

Earth Retention: Less than $5M
Richard Goettle, Inc.
Montgomery County SMART Project

Earth Retention: More than $5M
ASAP Group
Central Everglades Planning Project New Waters EA A-2 Stormwater Treatment Area

Associate/Engineering Affiliate
Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering
Surfside Beach Pier Replacement

The Project of the Year Awards program from PDCA represents the organization's most prestigious honor, and its annual winners exemplify excellence in driven pile-based, deep foundation construction. You can re-read about the 2023 program winners in PileDriver magazine, Issue #4-2023. And watch for PileDriver magazine Issue #4-2024 coming your way in August when PDCA will reveal winners of the 2024 Project of the Year Awards.

2023 PDCA Association Awards 

John T. Parker Industry Ambassador Award: Greg Canivan 

Presented to a PDCA member who demonstrates a unique passion for pile driving, in the spirit of the late John T. Parker.

Dr. Frank Rausche Professional Engineers Service Award:
Les Chernauskas 

Presented to a PDCA engineer member who has made a significant contribution to the PDCA, the pile driving industry and the engineering profession from the Geotechnical, Civil or Structural engineering disciplines. 

Presidential Award for Distinguished Service: Jason Moore 
Pays tribute to a PDCA member who has made long-term and significant contributions to the PDCA and the pile driving industry through effective leadership, support, and participation.

Lifetime Achievement Award: Buck Darling 
This award is presented to a PDCA member who has made a significant contribution to the PDCA over a consistent and extended period of time. It is presented with sincere appreciation for the exemplary service and support through a lifetime of participation, patience, and patronage. 

Committee Chair of the Year Award: Chris Normand 
Presented to the PDCA Committee Chair who has demonstrated exemplary leadership and outstanding dedication to PDCA and the pile driving industry.

Associate of the Year Award: George Smith
Presented to the Associate Member of PDCA who has demonstrated a consistent contribution of time, resources, and expertise to support a specific and critical function of the organization.

E.A.L. Smith Award Lecture: Dr. Richard "Dick" Hartman
Presented in recognition of the PDCA members' ceaseless efforts and dedication to advancing the driven pile industry through innovative, highly efficient, and environmentally sensitive solutions.

*Board of Directors votes on Annual Awards winners

Posted in PDCA Awards.

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