It's not Batman, it's the "BRRT" Now to accessorize those safety vests Were platform shoes acceptable workplace footwear on day one? |

Welcome to July, it's hot outside and many of you are making your way to Orlando where it's only getting hotter; in fact it will be muy Caliente (that's the band we have secured to entertain us on Thursday night at the conference). Onsite registration for the 22nd Annual PDCA Annual Conference at the Four Seasons Walt Disney World Resort opens Wed., July 10. We hope to see you there.
Looking ahead, two deadlines in July to mention: West Coast students interested in applying for a scholarship from PDCA Pacific Coast Chapter, you have until July 19 to complete and submit this application. If you would like to present at DICEP 2019 (Nov. 46), abstracts are due to PDCA by July 22 submit here.
Congrats to the PDCA Northeast Chapter, which hosted 72 shooters at Lehigh Valley Sporting Clays on June 14 for the 5th Annual Clay Shoot. The event raised money for the Scholarship Fund. See photos.
The glove's gonna fit: What's going on in the deep foundations community, you ask? Lots of headlines to share, so fasten your safety belts. Speaking of safety, SKANSKA USA has changed the game. Inspired by a 17.6% increase of women in construction trades in just a year, the New York City construction giant took the initiative to test market and inspire production of a new line of safety vests and gloves designed exclusively to fit their female employees. An interested PPE leader sees a growing demand in this space and is preparing to make the female workwear lines available across the industry. See story.
Freaky fast: It's unclear if they've issued special new uniforms, but ECS Limited has established a unique new service. Called the Bird Rapid Response Team, the small but highly specialized consulting unit is equipped with the expertise to deliver migratory bird evaluations almost as fast as Jimmy Johns delivers subs. The BRRT, as it has been dubbed, will assist ECS clients on super structure projects, infrastructure developments and utility installations. Imperative in today's professional environment, the BRRT offers transferrable skills; they can apply their evaluations to turtles and marine mammals as well. Read more.
Raise a glass; no, raise a 40: Carter was President, disco was on the radio, the Steelers were a dynasty and the first Millennial wasn't even born. 1979 was the year GEOKON opened its doors and started blazing a revolutionary trail. Happy 40th anniversary to the New Hampshire-based firm that has become a world leader in vibrating wire technology and other instrumentation innovations. See story.
Acquisitions, transitions, elevations and recognitions... |
Infrastructure & Industrial Constructors USA (i+iconUSA) is acquired by Shikim & Binui, read the release.
Midwestern powerhouse geotech firm Terracon grows its presence in the Southeast, read more.
CIANBRO gains 500 employees and expands its East Coast service area with the A/Z acquisition.
Personnel changes: hired at Intertec are John Focht, PE, in Dallas and Sean Kim, PE, in Houston. Dewberry opens a Roanoke, Va. office; hires Bahman Behzadi and Brad Ewing into its Orlando office. New to ECS are Jenna Jordan and Greg Simmons while Brandon Quinn and Brian Wyatt earn promotions. GTA, Inc. promotes Donny Sousa in the NJ office and names Shep Winckler to the Maryland office. The new Tolunay-Wong Engineers Branch Manager in Geismar, La. is Jonathan Honeycutt. Board certified construction attorney and PileDriver magazine legal contributor Ryan Maloney joins Jacksonville, Fla. law firm Jimmerson Birr. Congratulations to Scott Okelberry, recently named president of Sunroc Corp. in Utah.
During a May ceremony in New York, president and CEO Richard S. Weeks of longtime PDCA member-company Weeks Marine was inducted into the International Maritime Hall of Fame. See story.
The Chesapeake Region Safety Council honored Corman Kokosing with the "2019 Award of Excellence."
McCarthy's South Texas office earned distinction from the Houston Business Journal as the 2019 Healthiest Employer for a Large Company. A healthy team is a productive team! |
While most of us consider it a vacation paradise, the Hawaiian Dredging Construction Company does significant work from its island home. In addition to the many new developments it leads, the contractor was recognized for preserving one of the state's most prized architectural landmarks. Read article.
If summer travel takes you to Utah, visit the Timpanogos Cave, a popular National Monument. Check out the refurbished Visitor's Center, recently completed by Ralph L. Wadsworth Construction. More.
Congratulations to GeoEngineers for collaborating on the design for the Caminada Headlands Beach and Dune Restoration project near Grand Island, La. Their efforts earned a national award. Read more.
Thanks to deep foundations staff time and heavy equipment donated by Cajun Industries, Louisiana's capital city is home to a new monument erected to honor the Louisiana National Guard. Read more.
North Dakota's S&B Drilling also gives back; the company donated materials and labor for the new Freedom Monument in Williston's Riverview Cemetery.
AET, Inc. has honored founder and former CEO Terry Swor by funding an ACEC Minnesota scholarship in his name. The now retired professional geologist was on hand to award its first recipient. See story. |
Fans attending baseball games at Rogers High School in Minnesota will now follow the action with assistance from a brand-new scoreboard. Veit & Company made the purchase possible with a generous donation to the Dugout Booster Club which supports the hometown Royals. More.
Twenty-nine hours of running!? Cianbro staffers ran in the American Odyssey Race, which treks from Gettysburg, Pa. to Washington, D.C. Their efforts support cancer patients and wounded veterans. Read more. |
Thanks for joining us for this installment of A Pile of News; until next month, we wish you a safe and happy Canada Day (July 1), Independence Day (July 4) and MLB All Star Game (July 9).
If your company has news to share with the pile driving industry, please email matt@piledrivers.org. We look forward to distributing your unique stories, personnel changes, charitable efforts and recognitions. |