Presidential Award, Associate Members of the Year, More Awards

Association Awards and recognitions

(Left) Doug Keller
(Left) Diane Fischer
(Left) Bruce Langan
In a previous post, we detailed the presentation of the John T. Parker Industry Ambassador Award, given to the 2022 winner, Jill Harris. PDCA President Brian Heck presented additional Association Awards; recipients included Doug Keller who was the 2022 Presidential Award winner. The Associate Members of the Year Award went to both Diane Fischer and Pollyanna Cunningham who Co-Chair the Associate Member Council and delivered the highly successful Contractors Foundation Institute: Driven Pile Academy in April 2022. Jason Moore was not present, but provided a video acceptance for being named Committee Chair of the Year; he Chairs the Communications Committee. Finally, Bruce Langan was recognized for having completed a term on the PDCA Board of Directors.



As an additional incentive for attendees to explore the Exhibit Hall at the 2023 Annual Conference, PDCA incorporated what is known as Gamification. This was an engagement opportunity using the Conference app, where booth visitors could amass points for participating in pre-arranged games that were available in the exhibit booths.

The winners of the 2023 Gamification were: 1st Place - Mike Juneau, 2nd Place - Harold Baur, 3rd Place - Davis Johnston, and 4th Place - Keshav Vasudevan.

Raffle Winners

Finally, several attendees participated in a raffle that offered an assortment of desirable prizes. Among the raffle winners at the 2023 Annual Conference were Pablo Cerda, Chris Normand, and John Miles.

Posted in PDCA Awards.

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