September is Suicide Prevention Month - How You Can Help

As a stakeholder in the Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention (CIASP), PDCA asks you to read and consider the following encouragement from CIASP Chair Greg Sizemore (pictured, left):

"September is National Suicide Prevention month, which is why I am asking you today to please remember to look up from the bids, books, plans and contracts to think about the men and women on our jobsites or working from home that need us, now more than ever. I am asking that you put the resources in place on your jobsites and across our industry to proactively engage our employees--who are our best resources--beyond their physical health and safety, but their mental health and safety as well.

The CIASP website provides a tremendous resources for employers who are working to implement a plan to avoid a suicide related tragedy in their workplaces; in particular is this comprehensive list of Integration Resources. For more information and additional resources, visit CIASP online.

You might recall PileDriver magazine's Issue #1 of 2020 which featured an in depth article about some of the causes of workplace suicide as well as some of the prevention measures that employers can take. Outgoing CIASP Chair Michelle Walker (right) is quoted throughout.


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