No charge to attend!!
The 2021 PDCA Education Webinar Series #5 coming August 3rd features an important presentation entitled Pile Driving Vibrations - Monitoring and Analysis by subject matter expert Dr. Catherine Aimone-Martin. This program is now accessible to everyone in the pile driving industry, including non-PDCA members, at no cost.
"Many PDCA members believe that maximizing attendance at this event is important because there is significant interest from professionals at the USAC and other government agencies who normally do not have resources available for association related activity," noted PDCA Executive Director Frank Peters. "Further, the content that this program will deliver is critical for pile drivers to ensure ongoing driven pile foundations are installed through quality, safe and responsible construction practices; as the non-profit, pile driving industry representative, PDCA intends put the industry first and association matters second."
Peters continued; "The reality is that vibrations in pile driving are a fact. However, vibrations resulting from the installation of a driven pile-based foundation are often misunderstood and even misquoted. PDCA works aggressively on behalf of its members to ensure that this important issue is widely, accurately and thoroughly communicated throughout the pile driving industry. The August 3rd webinar is an excellent opportunity for everyone to gain a better understanding of this issue."
Please plan to attend this important presentation on vibrations in which are a component of a driven pile-based foundation installation. This is a webinar that everyone in the pile driving industry should attend. Follow the links below for full session details and to register today; also, you are encouraged to share this invitation to any colleagues that you think can benefit from this presentation.
The program will be held Tuesday, August 3, 2021, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM EDT.