PDCA Voting Members, Complete Ballots by Nov. 28 for 2025 Leadership

The team at Thatcher Foundations proudly wears their 'I Voted' stickers for the 2024 elections.

"Pile" Driving Voter Turnout: Contractor, Associate, and Engineering Affiliate Member companies of PDCA each have one representative who holds a voting responsibility to the organization. If you are your company's Primary Representative, you are encouraged to vote for the 2025 PDCA Officers and Board of Directors, which consists of five (5) executive officers and nine (9) Board Members. 

Voting has begun: Effective at 8:00 AM EDT on November 4th through 5:00 PM PST on November 28th, the ballot you received in your inbox through Election Runner is active and available to cast your ONE VOTE for each of the positions. The Election Runner platform is quick and easy, it'll take only minutes for you to cast your vote for each seat. A nominee is listed and available; each comes with a short bio. However, you are also welcome to offer your own nominee as a write-in candidate.

Completed ballots have already begun returning to the PDCA offices, but it is important that all voting members participate. You can expect periodic reminders to vote throughout the month of November, however, once you cast your ballot, you will no longer see the notifications.

If you have any questions about your eligibility to vote or completing your electronic ballot for the 2025 PDCA leadership team, please don't hesitate to contact PDCA at (904) 215-4771. 

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