Welcome Q3 New Members; No Dues for Govt. Employees, Academia, Students

(L-R) Jose Padilla of Bell Lumber & Pole, Dr. Don Warrington of Lee University, Phil Tucker of Edgen Murray Corp.

Welcome New Members! PDCA thanks the following companies and individuals who joined the organization in Q3-2024. You more effectively advocate for the driven pile when you join the only organization that collectively agrees, 'A Driven Pile...Is a Tested Pile...'
  • Contractors: Sargent in Orono, ME
  • Associates: Bell Lumber & Pole Company in Minneapolis, MN, Expander Body International (EBI) Inc. in Ottawa, ON, Edgen Murray Corporation in Houston, TX, Locke Solutions of Houston, TX
  • Engineering Affiliate: Soil & Materials Engineering Inc. in Windsor, ON
  • Academic Employee: Don Warrington of Lee University in Tennessee
  • Government Employees: Mir Zaheer from IN-DOT, Miranda Perkins from LA-DOTD, Scott Kassel and Kyle Markel from IL-DOT, Sourav Das from Imperial House (India)
  • Student: Samir Paswan Lalit Narayan Mithila University (India)
REMINDER: The PDCA Board of Directors eliminated member dues for Government and Academic Employee memberships, effective Jan. 01 of this year. Since that time, PDCA has welcomed a steady stream of new members who bring the important perspectives unique to academia and public interest work, into the diversified ranks of organizational membership. Many of the newest members from these backgrounds have quickly engaged in the organization through voluntary committee participation and other facets of PDCA operations. Students gained a no dues option into membership through 2020 Board action.

If you are or know of a qualifying student, academic or government employee who would be interested in enrolling as a PDCA member at no cost, you are encouraged to visit the Join PDCA page and select the appropriate category that fits your professional or academic function, create your new account, and enroll today.

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