DICEP 2024
Design & InstallatION of Cost-Efficient Piles
September 10-11, 2024
The Pile Driving Contractors Association (PDCA) is pleased to announce the 25th Design and Installation of Cost-Efficient Piles (DICEP) Conference scheduled for September 10-11, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois. The DICEP conference has a focus on Deep Foundations, Earth Retention, and the Benefits of the Driven Pile and this year's theme is "Driven Pile Mega Projects".
There are multiple ways to participate in the PDCA DICEP 2024 Conference - attendee, exhibitor, and/or sponsor. During the registration process, you will be able to indicate the opportunities that fit your and your company's needs.
DICEP Agenda
PDCA 25th Annual Design & Installation of Cost-Efficient Piles (DICEP) Conference
September 10-11, 2024
Renaissance Chicago O'Hare Suite Hotel
Tuesday, September 10, 2024September 10-11, 2024
Renaissance Chicago O'Hare Suite Hotel
7:15 AM 8:00 AM Short Course Breakfast
8:00 AM 12:30 PM Optional Short Course: *Advanced registration required.
Quality Control and Quality Assurance of Driven Piles Foundations and Steel Sheet Walls
Travis Coleman, PE, GRL Engineers, Inc.; Gerry McShane, Service Steel Warehouse
Summary: This course provides an overview of common methods of QA/QC for driven piles deep foundations and steel sheet walls. It includes discussions on factors to consider during the design phase of a project and during installations, and provides some perspectives on the value of testing, inspections, and QA/QC from design and construction points of view. The effect of good practices and well-planned and well-executed QA/QC programs on the design and construction for more cost effective, efficient, and reliable deep foundations and steel sheet walls will be discussed by recognized experts.
8:00 8:10 AM Course Introduction
8:10 9:00 AM Pile and Hammer Types
9:00 9:20 AM Pile Driving Inspection
9:20 10:00 AM Steel Sheet Piles: Best Construction Practices
10:00 10:15 AM Break
10:15 11:00 AM Steel Sheet Piles: Durability by Design
11:00 12:00 AM Static and Dynamic Pile Testing
12:00 12:30 PM Development of Pile Driving Criteria
Summary: This course provides an overview of common methods of QA/QC for driven piles deep foundations and steel sheet walls. It includes discussions on factors to consider during the design phase of a project and during installations, and provides some perspectives on the value of testing, inspections, and QA/QC from design and construction points of view. The effect of good practices and well-planned and well-executed QA/QC programs on the design and construction for more cost effective, efficient, and reliable deep foundations and steel sheet walls will be discussed by recognized experts.
8:00 8:10 AM Course Introduction
8:10 9:00 AM Pile and Hammer Types
9:00 9:20 AM Pile Driving Inspection
9:20 10:00 AM Steel Sheet Piles: Best Construction Practices
10:00 10:15 AM Break
10:15 11:00 AM Steel Sheet Piles: Durability by Design
11:00 12:00 AM Static and Dynamic Pile Testing
12:00 12:30 PM Development of Pile Driving Criteria
Lunch on Your Own
2:00 PM 2:30 PM Registration / Coffee & Snack Break
2:30 PM 3:00 PM DICEP Opening Ceremony & Welcome Announcements
3:00 PM 4:00 PM Pile Driving Design & Operation Challenges in Mega Projects Panel Discussion
4:00 PM 4:45 PM Cantilevered Sheet Pile Walls Comparison of Design Methods
John J. Peirce, Jr., P.E., BC.GE, Peirce Engineering, Inc.
Summary: This presentation will discuss and compare the design of sheet pile walls retaining granular soils, using three, different, allowable stress, design methods as presented in Foundation Design by Wayne C. Teng, Prentice-Hall, 1962 and in the USS Steel Sheet Piling Design Manual, 1970. The design methods discussed, with example designs, will include Teng's Conventional Method, Teng's Simplified Method, and Teng's Graphical Design Charts.
Summary: This presentation will discuss and compare the design of sheet pile walls retaining granular soils, using three, different, allowable stress, design methods as presented in Foundation Design by Wayne C. Teng, Prentice-Hall, 1962 and in the USS Steel Sheet Piling Design Manual, 1970. The design methods discussed, with example designs, will include Teng's Conventional Method, Teng's Simplified Method, and Teng's Graphical Design Charts.
4:45 PM 5:15 PM Subsurface Pile Driving Induced Ground Motions, A Review; and Implications for Volumetric Change of Saturated Sands
Chuck Dowding, PhD, Northwestern University
Summary: Motions at depth are important to measure and control as they produce the strains which can lead to densification and settlement. This presentation provides insight, data, and case histories associated with motions at depth and possible settlement. As was the case with the control of construction induced ground motions to prevent cosmetic cracking of above ground structures, induced strains will be one of the principal subjects of this paper. Theories for translating measurement of particle velocity time histories to strain and stress will not be covered due to time and length requirements. Properties of the responding soils are important in the control of vibratory induced volume change and/or settlement just as properties of the responding structures were important in the control of vibratory induced cosmetic cracking in above-ground structures. Therefore, it should not be surprising that discussion will involve significant properties of soils, critical strain levels, and the extent of observed settlement. Response properties of soils are more complicated than those of above ground structures because of the importance of water pressures as well as grain size distribution and density of soils. Simple terms like sand or clay are insufficient.
Summary: Motions at depth are important to measure and control as they produce the strains which can lead to densification and settlement. This presentation provides insight, data, and case histories associated with motions at depth and possible settlement. As was the case with the control of construction induced ground motions to prevent cosmetic cracking of above ground structures, induced strains will be one of the principal subjects of this paper. Theories for translating measurement of particle velocity time histories to strain and stress will not be covered due to time and length requirements. Properties of the responding soils are important in the control of vibratory induced volume change and/or settlement just as properties of the responding structures were important in the control of vibratory induced cosmetic cracking in above-ground structures. Therefore, it should not be surprising that discussion will involve significant properties of soils, critical strain levels, and the extent of observed settlement. Response properties of soils are more complicated than those of above ground structures because of the importance of water pressures as well as grain size distribution and density of soils. Simple terms like sand or clay are insufficient.
5:15 PM 7:00 PM Meet & Greet Reception
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
7:00 AM 8:00 AM Registration / Breakfast
8:00 AM 8:15 AM Welcome & Announcements
8:15 AM 9:15 AM Safe Working Platforms An Overview for Driven and Drilled Foundations
Terry Holman, PhD, PE, Geosyntec Consultants, Inc.
Summary: Every year, piling rigs, rotary drill rigs, and cranes fall over or are subject to near misses due to inadequately prepared or maintained site surfaces all such incidents involve potential fatalities or serious injury to operators, ground crews, and typically cause extensive damage to property and equipment. A joint working group of ADSC, DFI, and the PDCA undertook a multi-year effort to develop an industry position statement and develop framework recommendations related to safe working platforms for foundation construction equipment. This presentation will summarize the results of those efforts and discuss the major elements of the Recommended Industry Practices for Safe Working Platforms for Construction Equipment. A discussion of working platform design basics will include track pressure mechanics, geotechnical design elements for the working platform, and discussion on crane mats. Evaluation of the site and testing of working platforms will focus on current methods such as visual observation and proof rolling, plate load testing, and more advanced methods being investigated through research studies including dynamic cone penetrometers and lightweight deflectometers.
9:15 AM 10:15 AM Designing Durability into Steel Sheet Piling Structures
Gerry McShane, Service Steel Warehouse
Summary: The Durability of steel has changed significantly over the last 50 years largely due to new methods of steel making and subsequent changes in metallurgical structure and content. Modern manufacturing processes no longer produce specific chemical compositions but combine grain refinement and addition of alloys to achieve required mechanical properties. Today's steel will be compared to steel made 100 years ago not only for structural behavior but also on the part that modern steel making has made on the generation and rate of corrosion. The factors that contribute to corrosion occurring and the rate that it develops will be examined and various steps to control or inhibit corrosion will be outlined. A comparison will be made between the breakdown of steel and concrete over time. An example will be provided showing the various options open to the designer to inhibit or improve steel durability along with their associated costs.
Summary: The Durability of steel has changed significantly over the last 50 years largely due to new methods of steel making and subsequent changes in metallurgical structure and content. Modern manufacturing processes no longer produce specific chemical compositions but combine grain refinement and addition of alloys to achieve required mechanical properties. Today's steel will be compared to steel made 100 years ago not only for structural behavior but also on the part that modern steel making has made on the generation and rate of corrosion. The factors that contribute to corrosion occurring and the rate that it develops will be examined and various steps to control or inhibit corrosion will be outlined. A comparison will be made between the breakdown of steel and concrete over time. An example will be provided showing the various options open to the designer to inhibit or improve steel durability along with their associated costs.
10:15 AM 10:45 AM Break
10:45 AM 11:15 AM Automated Pile Driving Data Collection on INDOT Bridges
Mir A. Zaheer, P.E., Manager Geotechnical Consultant, IN DOT
Summary: Using electronic or digital processes simplifies handling and integration of pile driving data into construction management or document management systems for acceptance, payment, and source documentation.
It helps States reap the benefits of the efficiency and transparency of e-Construction. The presentation will include examples of pile driving data from Indiana projects, while showcasing the benefits of automated data collection:
• Minimize human error and improve the level of safety and efficiency for field staff.
• Acquired data can be analyzed to help reduce damage and repair costs over time.
• Data acquired will help designers when designing future rehabilitation projects.
Summary: Using electronic or digital processes simplifies handling and integration of pile driving data into construction management or document management systems for acceptance, payment, and source documentation.
It helps States reap the benefits of the efficiency and transparency of e-Construction. The presentation will include examples of pile driving data from Indiana projects, while showcasing the benefits of automated data collection:
• Minimize human error and improve the level of safety and efficiency for field staff.
• Acquired data can be analyzed to help reduce damage and repair costs over time.
• Data acquired will help designers when designing future rehabilitation projects.
11:15 AM 12:00 PM Driving Excellence: Cajun Industries' PLNG Driven Pile Mega Project
Jimmy Nettles, Senior Project Manager, Cajun Industries, LLC
Jordan Romero, Project Manager, Cajun Industries, LLC
Summary: The PLNG Driven Pile Mega Project allowed Cajun Industries to showcase its ability to exceed client expectations, strive for operational excellence, while prioritizing employee health and safety above all else. Over the course of the Project, Cajun executed over 575,000 safe man-hours while installing 18,300 driven piles of various types and sizes, amounting to 1,965,900 linear feet of pile, equivalent to 372 miles or 3 round trips to outer space. In total, over 312 million pounds of piling material safely was handled and installed. Cajun Industries demonstrated exceptional expertise and versatility in its pivotal role in the construction of the Venture Global Plaquemines LNG Export Facility. The collaboration between Cajun, KZJV, Venture Global, and other stakeholders exemplified the power of teamwork in achieving ambitious construction goals while ensuring safety and quality every step of the way.
Jordan Romero, Project Manager, Cajun Industries, LLC
Summary: The PLNG Driven Pile Mega Project allowed Cajun Industries to showcase its ability to exceed client expectations, strive for operational excellence, while prioritizing employee health and safety above all else. Over the course of the Project, Cajun executed over 575,000 safe man-hours while installing 18,300 driven piles of various types and sizes, amounting to 1,965,900 linear feet of pile, equivalent to 372 miles or 3 round trips to outer space. In total, over 312 million pounds of piling material safely was handled and installed. Cajun Industries demonstrated exceptional expertise and versatility in its pivotal role in the construction of the Venture Global Plaquemines LNG Export Facility. The collaboration between Cajun, KZJV, Venture Global, and other stakeholders exemplified the power of teamwork in achieving ambitious construction goals while ensuring safety and quality every step of the way.
12:00 PM 1:00 PM Luncheon
1:00 PM 2:00 PM Understanding Reliability in Driven Pile Design for Transportation Structures
Silas Nichols, PE, FHWA
Summary: This presentation will provide an overview of driven pile design with a focus on establishing and assuring reliability in the constructed foundation. Topics will include considerations for pile selection, basics of limit states design, driven pile design, determination of nominal resistance and pile acceptance.
Summary: This presentation will provide an overview of driven pile design with a focus on establishing and assuring reliability in the constructed foundation. Topics will include considerations for pile selection, basics of limit states design, driven pile design, determination of nominal resistance and pile acceptance.
2:00 PM 3:00 PM Deep Foundations Comparison: Driven vs Drilled
Michael Wysockey, PhD, PE, Thatcher Foundations
Summary: Driven and drilled piles will be defined and described as to what types are included in each category. Examples are given for several deep foundation installation techniques. Different construction procedures will be demonstrated as to their effects on capacity and reliability. Vibrations will be considered, including mitigation. The factors affecting costs will be considered.
Summary: Driven and drilled piles will be defined and described as to what types are included in each category. Examples are given for several deep foundation installation techniques. Different construction procedures will be demonstrated as to their effects on capacity and reliability. Vibrations will be considered, including mitigation. The factors affecting costs will be considered.
3:00 PM 3:30 PM Break
3:30 PM 4:30 PM Soil / Pile Set Up in Driven Pile Foundation Design & Installation
Van E. Komurka, P.E., GRL Engineers, Inc.
Summary: This presentation will describe innovative soil/pile set-up characterization and application in driven-pile foundation design and installation. Set-up, an often misunderstood and under-utilized concept in driven-pile design, is a time-dependent increase in driven-pile capacity. Set-up is primarily related to increased shaft capacity and can provide a significant contribution to long-term capacity. Incorporating set-up into design and installation can increase cost-effectiveness and reduce construction schedules. Appropriate characterization of set-up, and its incorporation into design and installation (i.e., depth-variable driving criteria), will be illustrated with a case history.
Summary: This presentation will describe innovative soil/pile set-up characterization and application in driven-pile foundation design and installation. Set-up, an often misunderstood and under-utilized concept in driven-pile design, is a time-dependent increase in driven-pile capacity. Set-up is primarily related to increased shaft capacity and can provide a significant contribution to long-term capacity. Incorporating set-up into design and installation can increase cost-effectiveness and reduce construction schedules. Appropriate characterization of set-up, and its incorporation into design and installation (i.e., depth-variable driving criteria), will be illustrated with a case history.
4:30 PM 5:00 PM Driven Pile Foundations for Design-Build Bridge Project Success
Ken Gollon, The Walsh Construction
Summary: The Walsh Group is a diverse General Contractor who performs work across the country and through most all types of project delivery models. This discussion will highlight the success of several large design-build (DB) projects which utilized driven pile foundations to deliver successful cost-efficient foundation solutions. The Walsh Group's ability to self-perform driven pile in challenging conditions working on both land and water resulted in great control over schedule and mitigated risk. Increased knowledge and innovation that comes from diverse experience with self-performing driven pile and many other forms of deep foundations play a key role in how DB projects are pursued, progress through design, and are ultimately constructed successfully. Attention will also be paid to the ingenuity of the people who made these projects a success and who readily share their knowledge throughout The Walsh Group.
Summary: The Walsh Group is a diverse General Contractor who performs work across the country and through most all types of project delivery models. This discussion will highlight the success of several large design-build (DB) projects which utilized driven pile foundations to deliver successful cost-efficient foundation solutions. The Walsh Group's ability to self-perform driven pile in challenging conditions working on both land and water resulted in great control over schedule and mitigated risk. Increased knowledge and innovation that comes from diverse experience with self-performing driven pile and many other forms of deep foundations play a key role in how DB projects are pursued, progress through design, and are ultimately constructed successfully. Attention will also be paid to the ingenuity of the people who made these projects a success and who readily share their knowledge throughout The Walsh Group.
The DICEP Conference will consist of a series of presentations with a focus on innovative design, construction case studies, and equipment related to deep foundations, earth retention and/ or the driven pile. Attendees will learn the advantages of using driven piles as a foundation element for various types of projects as well as current & projected industry engineering discussions.Conference attendee registration fee includes the listed breakfast, breaks, lunch, and reception on the schedule, as well as conference materials, session presentations, access to exhibit hall, and up to 8.5 professional development hours (PDH). An optional pre-conference short course is also available with an additional 4.5 PDH hours.
Member Registration Options & Fees
OPTIONAL Tuesday Morning Short Course: $175
Attendee: $600
Government: $450
Student: $100
Attendee: $600
Government: $450
Student: $100
Non-Member Registration Options & Fees
OPTIONAL Tuesday Morning Short Course: $275
Attendee: $750
Attendee: $750
Exhibitor Benefits: This 1.5-day intimate event encourages opportunities for you to promote your business as a professional in the driven pile industry. Your company will be part of a unique and professional setting designed for networking and socializing, fostering, and developing new client relationships and, most importantly, exposure of your company's products, services, tools and techniques to contractors, engineers, and those just starting out in the driven pile industry. There is no better way to make an impact than in the PDCA Exhibit Hall, which will be the featured location for all food and beverage functions including breakfast, lunch, reception, and breaks.Exhibitor registration fee includes full conference registrations for two individuals and exhibit space, including a six-foot skirted table, two chairs, and wastebasket. Additional exhibitor registrations are available if more than 2 individuals are needed.
Registration Options & Fees
Member: $1,000
Non-Member: $1,200
Additional Exhibit Rep: $500
Non-Member: $1,200
Additional Exhibit Rep: $500
\Sponsor Benefits: Companies will have a variety of individual and shared sponsorship opportunities at the conference and PDCA will continue the tradition of featuring sponsors in a highly visible, consistent, and professional manner through continuous onsite visibility of their company name and logo.This includes recognition and advertising on conference signage and on conference marketing materials, including the conference brochure, PDCA monthly Pile of News e-newsletter, social media promotion before, during and after the conference, conference emails, Piledriver magazine and on the DICEP conference and PDCA websites.
Sponsor Options & Fees
DICEP Conference Wi-Fi: $3,000
Support the DICEP Conference with a Wi-Fi sponsorship that will allow all attendees to connect online during the conference. The sponsor company's name will be incorporated into the code provided to attendees, as well as acknowledged & displayed during the opening announcements each day.Meet & Greet Reception: $2,250
Co-sponsor the one and only conference reception on Tuesday evening. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your company brand and what you have to offer to the driven pile industry. The reception will include a hosted bar and hors d'oeuvres from 5:00 PM 6:30 PM in the Exhibit Hall.Conference Lanyard: SOLD
Make a statement, be seen and connect with attendees all day by sponsoring the DICEP 2024 Conference lanyard, co-branded with your company logo and PDCA.Hotel Keycard: SOLD
Don't miss out on this opportunity to include your company logo on the attendee's Renaissance's hotel room key. Each card will be co-branded with your company and PDCA's logos. Keep your company front and center as attendees use their keycard throughout their stay.F&B Sponsor: $1,000
Don't miss out on this opportunity to support the DICEP 2024 Conference with a Food & Beverage sponsorship. Attendees will have the opportunity to refill, refuel, and recharge during the conference with food and beverages. Sponsors will have the options of having their company logo included on coffee sleeves, cocktail napkins, or table signs on food stations.Marketing Sponsor: $600
Support the overall DICEP 2024 Conference and engage attendees with a promotional item (provided by sponsor) in their conference bag. Promotional items ideas include, but are not limited to, hats, koozies, tech gadgets, hard hat stickers, etc.Session Sponsor: $500
Support the DICEP 2024 Conference with session sponsorship. Session sponsors will be highlighted signage inside the session room and have the opportunity to introduce the session speaker(s).
Hotel Information
Renaissance Chicago O'Hare Suites Hotel
8500 West Bryn Mawr Ave
Chicago, IL 60631
PDCA will hold the conference at the Renaissance Chicago O'Hare Suites Hotel and a discounted lodging rate of $199/night is available for all attendees of the conference. The discounted rate is available until Monday, August 19, 2024, or until the block is full, whichever comes first.
Attendees are responsible for making their own reservations. PDCA does not use a housing or room reservation service for its events. There are only two ways for you to make your hotel reservations:
By visiting the Renaissance Chicago O'Hare Suites Hotel online link: HERE
By calling the Renaissance Hotel at (800) 468-3571 and providing our Group Name: Pile Driving Contractors Association
cancellation policy
A refund in the amount of 50% will be issued for attendee cancellations received through 5:00 p.m. Friday, August 16, 2024. No refunds will be issued after this date; however, you may transfer your registration to another individual.
Sponsorships are non-refundable.
A full refund will be issued for exhibitor cancellations received by Friday, August 2, 2024. Refunds in the amount of 50% will be issued for exhibitor cancellations received between August 2 and August 23, 2024. Refunds for Exhibit Booths will not be issued after this date.
Should you need to cancel your registration, please contact the Pile Driving Contractors Association by phone at
904-215-4771 or by email at events@piledrivers.org.