PDCA Project of the Year Award 2019
"Putting Excellence to the Test"
Accepting All Entries - Deadline Extended to May 22, 2019
"Putting Excellence to the Test"
Accepting All Entries - Deadline Extended to May 22, 2019
The PDCA Project of the Year Award entry deadline has been extended to Wednesday, May 22, 2019 to allow additional time for projects for both "Marine" and "Land" categories.
The submittal process is very simple and open to ALL PDCA members in the following membership categories: Contractors, Associates and Engineering Affiliates.
There is an Entry Form specifically for Contractor members and another Entry Form for Associate and Engineering Affiliate members. Entry forms and participation requirements can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate member category link below. Be sure to submit your entry on the correct form.
Contractor Form
Associate & Engineering Affiliate Form
All participating companies must fully address the criteria outlined in the official 2019 PDCA POY Entry Form. This included indentifying your project in the categories of "Land" or "Marine", and in the appropriate contract value. Contract values only includes the driven pile portion of your project. Sophistication of the presentation is not part of the judging, but completeness in addressing each criteria outlines in the entry form is essential.
REMEMBER, the deadline for submittals is Wednesday, May 22, 2019, which still provides plenty of time to begin organizing your project entry (entries), assembling your entry package and submitting it to the PDCA prior to the deadline. Don't delay, consider all of the projects you want to submit as a PDCA 2019 Project of the Year entry. There is NO limit on the number of projects a company can submit.
All Project of the Year Award entries will be showcased in PileDriver magazine. Winning entries will receive their award at the PDCA 22nd Annual International Conference and Expo 2019.