SAVE THE DATE: 2025 PDCA Annual Conference, Feb. 4-6, in San Antonio

PDCA partners and past technical presenters, (L-R) Brad Keelor, Silas Nichols, Mohamad Hussein, Jerry DiMaggio, Daniel Alzamora, rock PDCA cowboy hats at IFCEE 2024

If you attended IFCEE 2024 (International Foundations Congress and Equipment Expo) in May, in Dallas, TX, hopefully, you received a special-issue PDCA cowboy hat. If you did, hang on to that hat because you're going to need it for the next PDCA Annual Conference in February 2025. Why? Because it will also be in Texas, of course! 

While there is no formal function planned at this time for an attendee cowboy hat display at the Annual Conference, ten-gallon's are always encouraged in the Lone Star State. (They're standard issue for much of Texas law enforcement, cowboys, western enthusiasts, and more.) Just make sure to remove your hat if you sneak away from the conference to visit the sacred grounds of the nearby Alamo, it's only respectful...and among the rules for visitors.

Right now, we can tell you that the annual gathering of the driven pile industry takes place at the J.W. Marriott Hill Country Resort from February 4-6, 2025. It will include a golf outing, standing committee meetings, a trade show, a variety of educational, technical, and professional development presentations, and the annual awards program showcasing the winners of the 2024 Project of the Year Awards and Association Awards.

Mark you calendars now, and watch your inbox and PDCA publications for more information, coming soon.

Posted in PDCA Annual Confernece.

Harris Stunned to Receive Parker 'Industry Ambassador' Award

The John T. Parker Industry Ambassador Award is presented each year at the PDCA Annual Conference to an individual who shares the late John Parker's passion for this industry; someone who has represented and promoted pile driving in a way that reflects the highest standards of our industry. Each recipient is determined through consensus of the PDCA President, Executive Committee and a representative from the PDCA South Carolina Chapter; Mr. Parker was a leading pile driver in Charleston and a longtime supporter the Chapter.

Historically, the recipient of the Parker Award has been a South Carolina Chapter member, however the selection committee confidently went a different direction in its decision for the 2022 Award. PileDriver magazine Publisher Jill Harris of Lester Publications has been a longtime partner to the industry, and consistently develops an essential communications tool for continued advocacy for the driven pile. Through her years as the leading industry scribe, Ms. Harris has grown a close relationship with the South Carolina Chapter and several of its members; she has even traveled from her Canadian home to South Carolina to visit area jobsites, yards and offices of those who lead the deep foundations installations in the Palmetto State. 

Current South Carolina Chapter President John King, with the support from his members, proposed Ms. Harris to be the Parker Award recipient for 2022. Recognizing her contributions to the industry over the years, the national leadership team quickly affirmed the decision.

Fast forward to February 8, 2023 and the PDCA Annual Conference in San Diego, CA; Mr. King was tasked with presenting the John T. Parker Industry Ambassador Award before a large audience gathered for the Awards Luncheon. There, he delivered a heart-felt introduction of the recipient, repeatedly noting the passion for the industry that the recipient has demonstrated. He also conveyed that he and the recipient share a genuine and valuable friendship.

Seated with the scores of luncheon attendees, Jill listened to King's complimentary words with great interest and curiosity. She confided to us later that she was puzzled about this friend of John's, since, as she said 'I thought all of his friends had already gotten this award.'

Her name then appeared on the screen near the podium where John stood, and his voice cracked as he spoke it. Across the room, Jill was spotted dabbing moisture from her eyes as she slowly rose from her seat in utter surprise. Amid a rousing applause, she proceeded to the front of the auditorium to receive her award.

Congratulations to Jill Harris, the 2022 PDCA John T. Parker Industry Ambassador Award!

Current Parker Marine Contracting Co. staff, Candi Stegall and Pete Adams meet Jill, who won their company namesake award.

Posted in PDCA Annual Confernece.

Golf Awards, and a Daybreak View of Torrey Pines

(L) Eddie Clark accepts 3rd place team award from Brian Heck, (R) Daniel Ruiz-Barrios noted for 'most lost balls'

The 11th Annual PDCA Golf Tournament was held in conjunction with the 2023 PDCA Annual Conference; the capacity event brought 15 foursomes comprised of various PDCA members and conference attendees to the famed, Torrey Pines NORTH Course in San Diego, CA.

Winning the tournament with an impressive score of 129 was the team featuring Rich Anderson, Joe Blair, Dermot Fallon, and Mark Rice, photographed below.

In second place, there was a tie. Finishing at 130 was the team including Brandon Bicknell, Derek Brodnax, Jason Douglas, and Braden Ford. Douglas and Ford represent the team in the photo below:

Also in second place was the foursome which included Buck Darling, Inger Darling, Mark Weisz, and Jim Challenger. Challenger, pictured on the far left, below, also won Longest Drive on Hole #10. He and Buck Darling received the award from President Heck. Weisz, pictured solo below, hit Closest to the Pin on #12.
In third place was the team featuring David Kesser, Garrett Smith, Cole Newman, and Ed Clark. They finished at 132. Clark is pictured at the top of this post accepting the team award from President Heck. Kesser, pictured with his other teammates below (far right), also won Closest to the Pin on #8.

We leave you with a beautiful view of Torrey Pines at daybreak, before the pile drivers descended onto the course with their hammers...errr, clubs.

Posted in PDCA Annual Confernece.

PDCA Committees to Meet at Annual Conference

* Meetings occur consecutively on the afternoon of February 10th at the Arizona Grand Resort in Phoenix in the Sonoran Sky Ballroom 1-2

** All times listed are Mountain Standard Time

1:30 PM - 1:55 PM Education Committee

1:55 PM - 2:20 PM Steel Sheet Pile Committee

2:20 PM - 2:45 PM Communications Committee

2:45 PM - 3:10 PM Safety & Environmental Committee

3:10 PM - 3:35 PM Chapters Committee (special welcome to new Texas Chapter)

3:35 PM - 4:00 PM Associate Member Council Committee

4:00 PM - 4:25 PM Contracts & Risk Committee

4:25 PM - 4:50 PM Membership Committee

4:50 PM - 5:15 PM Technical Committee

Virtual Access
If you wish to attend PDCA committee meetings remotely on February 10, 2022, please click the button below to access the Zoom web conference or use the credentials to dial-in by phone at the time(s) you wish to join. Please be advised, times listed are Mountain Standard Time, adjust accordingly. Thank you for your interest in PDCA committees.

Dial-In: 301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 879 7533 8526
Passcode: 073639


Posted in PDCA Annual Confernece.

Early 'Roadrunner' Rates for Arizona Conference End Friday

The PDCA 23rd Annual Conference & Expo is fast approaching, make sure you secure discounted rates and register for this event by THIS Friday (12/17). We look forward to seeing you at the Arizona Grand Resort in Phoenix February 9-12, 2022.

Don't miss this important, annual gathering of the pile driving industry. The 2022 program includes a variety of opportunities for professional development, business networking and even personal enjoyment:
  • Keynote presentations
  • Technical seminars
  • Exhibit hall
  • Project of the Year Awards, other recognitions
  • PDCA committee meetings
  • Annual golf outing
  • Nightly receptions
  • Much more!
Please visit the conference website for all event details. And don't forget to secure your spot at this conference by Friday (12/17) to receive the early bird registration rates.

See you in Phoenix!

Posted in PDCA Annual Confernece.

PDCA Project of the Year Awards

PDCA Project of the Year Award 2019

"Putting Excellence to the Test"

Accepting All Entries - Deadline Extended to May 22, 2019

The PDCA Project of the Year Award entry deadline has been extended to Wednesday, May 22, 2019 to allow additional time for projects for both "Marine" and "Land" categories.

The submittal process is very simple and open to ALL PDCA members in the following membership categories:  Contractors, Associates and Engineering Affiliates.

There is an Entry Form specifically for Contractor members and another Entry Form for Associate and Engineering Affiliate members.  Entry forms and participation requirements can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate member category link below.   Be sure to submit your entry on the correct form.

Contractor Form
Associate & Engineering Affiliate Form

All participating companies must fully address the criteria outlined in the official 2019 PDCA POY Entry Form.  This included indentifying your project in the categories of "Land" or "Marine", and in the appropriate contract value.  Contract values only includes the driven pile portion of your project. Sophistication of the presentation is not part of the judging, but completeness in addressing each criteria outlines in the entry form is essential.

REMEMBER, the deadline for submittals is Wednesday, May 22, 2019, which still provides plenty of time to begin organizing your project entry (entries), assembling your entry package and submitting it to the PDCA prior to the deadline.  Don't delay, consider all of the projects you want to submit as a PDCA 2019 Project of the Year entry.  There is NO limit on the number of projects a company can submit.

All Project of the Year Award entries will be showcased in PileDriver magazine.  Winning entries will receive their award at the PDCA 22nd Annual International Conference and Expo 2019.

Posted in PDCA Annual Confernece.


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