The 2024 Project of the Year Submission Period is Open - Enter By April 5

(L-R): Rian Johnson of PND Engineers, Inc., and Daniel Sprunk and Kirt Jackson of Cajun Industries show off trophies from their winning projects.

The annual, signature competition among members vying for the judge's nod in the Land, Marine, Earth Retention, and Associate/Engineer categories begins with the new year. Watch your inbox on January 2nd for an announcement about the opening of the submission period for the 2024 PDCA Project of the Year Awards Program, an entry form will accompany that communication. Then, the countdown begins. You will have only until April 5th to complete the entry form, draft the publication-ready narrative, compile a minimum of six hi-res job photos and send it all to PDCA using an electronic file link. Yes, you have plenty of time, but why not check this to-do item off the list early in the year? Click the button below to obtain the 2024 PDCA Project of the Year entry form:

The 2023 program brought the most entries in the history of the Awards, creating a spirited competition. In the end, the judge's panel spoke and the winners were revealed in the August 2023 issue of PileDriver magazine. PDCA has experienced an upward trajectory in entries over the last several years and we hope that trend continues. No, we don't want a mutiny from our volunteer judges, but we do want to encourage a healthy competition among members that will translate to a continued optimization of the pile driving industry. Thank you in advance for participating in the 2024 PDCA Project of the Year Awards Program!

Please be advised, entry in this members-only program is FREE. If you are not a member, but want to participate, simply enroll in PDCA now. You can learn more about PDCA membership when you CLICK HERE.

Good luck to 2024 entries!

Thank you PDCA members for sending Holiday Cheer!

PDCA passes along thanks and gratitude to its many members who made the effort to send Holiday greetings to its Florida-based home offices. Several Christmas cards, such as one from R.E. Burns & Sons in Statesville, NC (pictured, above), collections of seasonal treats, and other forms of Holiday regard have been arriving at PDCA throughout December. Your generosity is warmly appreciated. 

Many PDCA members know that the organization's office is located in suburban Jacksonville, FL. You might also know that the city is home to the sixth oldest, U.S. college football postseason bowl game, known as the Gator Bowl.

The 2023 Gator Bowl features an SEC vs. ACC matchup between the Kentucky Wildcats and Clemson Tigers, who meet on December 29th. 

Rather than sending a card this year, PDCA past president and longtime member John King of Pile Drivers, Inc. sent 'himself' to Jacksonville. Apparently, a fickle fan of South Carolina Gamecocks football, he booked a trip to Northeast Florida to attend the Gator Bowl in support of Clemson, USC's fierce, in-state rival. Before the game. John was spotted on the golf course near PDCA offices, proudly advertising his new football allegiance.

Subject Matter Experts - Consider Presenting at a Future PDCA Program

At the 2022 PDCA Annual Conference, David Lau of Mindful Approach, LLC presents 'Being Antifragile: Wellness and Resilience for Leaders'

Do you have a unique, advanced, or valuable perspective on construction leadership, technical expertise, professional practices, or something else? And if so, do you aspire to share your ideas with an assembly of pile driving experts from around the country and world? Then here is an opportunity for you to consider. The Pile Driving Contractors Association (PDCA) encourages the submission of Abstracts / Case Studies / Topic & Presentation suggestions for the many educational programs offered, including the PDCA Annual Conference, Design & Installation of Cost-Efficient Piles (DICEP) Conference, and/or The PDCA Value Driven Webinar Series.

The PDCA Annual International Conference & Expo is the member's conference held over 2.5 days in early February and delivers a variety of programs of interest to the pile driving contractors, equipment manufacturers, material suppliers, and civil engineers who comprise the organization. 

The DICEP Conference is PDCA's technical conference, generally taking place in mid-September. The program is typically 1.5 days with 3060-minute presentations that focus on the cost effectiveness and design specifications for driven piles in deep foundations.

The PDCA Value Driven Webinar Series virtually provides information to PDCA members and others within the driven pile industry. Throughout the year, webinars highlight driven pile projects, the value and cost savings of driven piles, manufacturing and supplier updates, PDCA Committee information, safety practices, and more. Webinar topic suggestions can be technical, case-based, and/or promotional.

PDCA will consider varied presentation lengths for all PDCA education & webinar events. Content curators for PDCA programs prioritize factors such as presentation flow, content relevance, and PDH requirements. If you are interested in sharing your idea, please click the button below:

PDCA Attends F&MCA Holiday Event, Donates to Boston Area Food Banks

(L-R): Reddy Vantari (Nucor Skyline), Isabella Kennedy (GZA GeoEnvironmental), John Regan (GTR), Justin Zarrella and Brad Roberts (GZA)

A longstanding tradition, the Foundation & Marine Contractors Association of New England (F&MCA) gathers each December for a Holiday Social to celebrate the regional industry and provide members and friends with an evening of seasonal enjoyment and engagement. For the second consecutive year, F&MCA invited the Pile Driving Contractors Association (PDCA) to participate in the event in Downtown Boston. Both organizations share a similar mission of representing deep foundations professionals who are involved in the driven pile industry. The Holiday Social took place on December 14, 2023, at the Revere Hotel - Boston Common, where attendees enjoyed a networking reception with industry colleagues and friends, reconnecting over seasonal refreshments. Later, the group was served a buffet-style dinner which included a collection of fine desserts.

(L-R): F&MCA Pres. Tonning, PDCA E.D. Frank Peters, Tina Peters
Under the leadership of Pres. Bob Tonning, VP Tom Day, Treas. Steve Hinterneder, and Sec. Justin Zarrella, the F&MCA included at the event, a donation drive for Boston Area Food Banks. "It was a big success last year and it provided some holiday cheer to those who need it most," stated Tonning. "We proudly encourage attendees to consider giving a donation of any size to help people in our community who are financially challenged. It's simple, donations are collected at the door and we later deliver your goodwill to food banks and shelters."

PDCA Executive Director Frank Peters, in attendance at the event, informed F&MCA leadership that the PDCA Board enthusiastically directed a $500 donation to the charitable effort. At the last update, the organization says the Holiday Social raised at least $3,000 for local charity.

As noted, several members of F&MCA are also members of PDCA, and many of them attended the 2023 Social. Examples include Engineering Affiliate members Brad Roberts and Justin Zarrella, PDCA members who have a history of service at F&MCA; Justin is the current Secretary of the organization and succeeds Brad in that post. In 2024, Brad begins a second year serving on the PDCA Board of Directors.

Several PDCA members who also participate in F&MCA, attended the Holiday Social. See who was SPOTTED:

PileDriver Magazine - Issue #6, 2023

PileDriver Issue 6 2023 cover
The largest public port project on the Texas Gulf Coast is no match for McCarthy Building Companies read about their work at Port Freeport Velasco Terminal Berth 8 in the latest issue of PileDriver magazine!
Looking for more marine projects?
We've got you covered.
Crane on beach
Desalination Plant Test
in Long Beach
Featuring: Forefront Deep Foundations

Read more
Overhead view of marine pile driving
Galveston Berth 10 Marine Improvements Project
Featuring: Russell Marine LLC

Read more
Large dock with boats approaching barge in background
Ocean Transport Barge Berth
Featuring: Kokosing

Read more
Don't miss these articles, either:
Building a Safe Working Platform
PDCA Toolbox Talks:
Working Platforms Part II

Read more
Dear Darling magazine page
Dear Darling
What makes Buck Darling say, "My age, attitudes and crippling wishes for things to 'go back to normal' will now allow it ... I have become a fossil." Find out in his latest Dear Darling column, where he talks about recruiting and retaining employees.

Read more
Brendan Fitzpatrick
Career Story
Learn more about Brendan Fitzpatrick, DuroTerra's new president, in this issue's Career Story.

Read more
Overhead view of construction equipment and vehicles on dock
PDCA Contractor Member
This Texas company thrives on solving problems with a hands-on approach: Taylor Marine Construction, Inc. is PDCA's featured contractor member in this issue of PileDriver magazine.

Read more

Posted in PileDriver Magazine.

PDCA Announces 2024 Officers and Board of Directors

The PDCA Board of Directors meets during a January, 2023 meeting.

The votes are in and PDCA membership has elected the following pile driving professionals to serve as the PDCA Officers and Board of Directors, effective January 1, 2024. Congratulations to this leadership team, PDCA membership stands to benefit from these individuals' ongoing commitment and service to the driven pile industry.

PDCA 2024 Officers


Brian Heck
Richard Goettle, Inc.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Vice President

Kustaa Mansfield
Pacific Pile & Marine
Seattle, Washington

Herbert "Buck" Darling
Herbert F. Darling, Inc.
Tonawanda, New York

Scott Webster
GRL Engineers, Inc.
Harrisburg, North Carolina
Past President

Kevin Gourgues
Patriot Construction and Industrial
Port Allen, Louisiana

PDCA 2024 Board of Directors


Harold Baur
Boh Bros. Construction Company, LLC
New Orleans, Louisiana

Greg Canivan
S&ME, Inc.
Mount Pleasant, South Carolina

James Dempsey
Blakeslee, Arpaia, Chapman, Inc.
Branford, CT

Diane Fischer
Pile Dynamics, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio

Mike Juneau
Premier Geotech and Testing, LLC
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Doug Keller
Richard Goettle, Inc.
Cincinnati, Ohio

Randy Kelly
Koppers Utility and Industrial Products, Inc.
Eutawville, South Carolina

David Price
Linde-Griffith Construction Company
Newark, New Jersey

Bradford Roberts
GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.
Norwood, MA

A Pile of News - December 2023

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A Pile of News: December 2023
A briefing on news and information from the pile driving contractors,
associated manufacturers, construction suppliers and affiliated engineers
who comprise PDCA.
By Matt Bisbee, PDCA

Originally sent Dec. 1, 2023
Top of the Pile
New PDCA members in Q4  Dozens of new members have joined PDCA in 2023, something we enthusiastically recognize quarterly in this space. While there is still one more month to go, as this is our last publication of 2023, we will begin the December Pile of News with a warm welcome to the following new and returning members:
  • Contractors: Cianbro Corp. in Baltimore, MD; Emeca SPE/USA in Laurel, DE; Kiewit in Omaha, NE; Semper Diving & Marine Corp. in Charlestown, MA; Wren Works in Poplar, WI
  • Associates: Energy Materials Company in Humble, TX; Foundation Equipment Services in Jacksonville, FL; Kingdom Pipe & Steel in Brenham, TX
  • Engineering Affiliates: Omega Trestle, LLC in Clearwater, FL; Professional Service Industries in Jefferson, LA
  • Students: N. Kalsariya of University of South Carolina and S. Biswas of Lamar University
  • Government: Jesse G. Rauser, P.E. of Louisiana Dept. of Transportation & Development
New member Wren Works LLC
Welcome new member Wren Works, LLC, CEO/Owner Sandy Benes pictured
The PDCA Board of Directors moved to make the organization more accessible to the governmental and academic sectors to encourage their participation and unique perspectives in PDCA committees, publications, and educational offerings. Beginning Jan. 1, an Individual Membership for qualifying personnel from academia or government employment, is available at no cost. 

Congratulations to the 2024 officers and BOD members who were elected to PDCA leadership.

IFCEE 2024 registration opens today! Secure your spot at the preeminent, triennial industry event with a large equipment show, coming to Dallas, May 710, 2024, with PDCA, ADSC, DFI and GeoInstitute.
From the Association & Chapters
Mark your calendars:
  • Dec. 14: PDCA Value Driven Webinar Series, FREE to members, 2 - 3 PM EST: An interactive presentation from Rick Marshall entitled Safe Working Platforms & Driven Pile Projects.
  • Jan. 2: The PDCA Project of the Year Awards Program opens for entries. Complete and return the entry (coming soon) form by April 5, 2024, for your project(s) in up to 9 categories: Land (3 levels), Marine (2 levels), Earth Retention (2 levels), Associate/Engineering Affiliate (1 level) and International (1 level).
  • Jan. 10: PDCA Libations with Leadership at Rosen Centre in Orlando, FL, 5:30 - 7:30 PM. The first regional reception of 2024, held in conjunction with the PDCA Board's annual strategic planning. The FREE event is open to members and non-members, sponsorships are available.
  • Jan. 19: PDCA South Carolina Chapter Oyster Roast in Charleston, SC. It's a celebrated tradition for East Coast pile drivers, but all industry practitioners are encouraged to attend this FREE family event at Palmetto Pile Driving. Fresh, steamed oysters prepared on site, other food options, spirits, a bonfire, indoor/outdoor accommodations, fellowship and more, thanks to wonderful sponsors.

News and PHOTOS from the PDCA Blog:
  • The PDCA Maryland Mixer elicits sentiments about "the band getting back together." Attendees recall the days of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter during a generously sponsored reception in Odenton.
  • The Texas Chapter picks Condon Verble as 2024 president; Mickey Thatcher succeeds Verble as VP. Members discussed developing quality educational initiatives in the final 2023 meeting.
  • The PDCA Engineers Driven Pile Institute assembled deep foundations professionals in Baltimore to gain insights from renowned veterans Jerry DiMaggio, Pat Hannigan and Van Komurka.
  • The South Carolina Chapter gathers to celebrate scholarship winner Cadet Leckelt from The Citadel, recognize other awardees, hear a technical program, and elect new president Kent Parker and 2024 leadership. 
  • The Gulf Coast Chapter hosts final 2023 meeting at Golden Nugget Casino in Biloxi, MS. Members pick 2024 officers, Tony Sepulvado, Scott Williams, Tyler Roberts and Beau Haydel.
  • The Northeast Chapter had their final meeting of 2023. Members and guests enjoyed networking, dinner and a tech presentation, followed by a casino night with no-cash gaming.
  • PDCA members played prominent roles in the DFI Annual Conference in Seattle. In addition to attendees, presenters and exhibitors, Katherine Petek was technical co-chair and Greg Canivan and Seth Hamblin chaired the Driven Pile Committee meeting.
  • The PDCA Communications Committee updates PDCA social media protocols to enhance the organization's presence on LinkedIn. Chair Jason Moore and committee member Amy Christiani led efforts to establish a Style Guide and Submission Guidelines.
Contest winner with #PDCADriven hashtag
Congratulations, Greg B., you are this month's winner! Send an email to before the end of the month to claim your prize!
News from PDCA Companies
Acquisitions & expansions:
  • Russell Marine, LLC expands to the U.S. East Coast, with a new North Charleston, SC-based office. From there, senior project manager Sean Vandedrinck will lead on delivery of marine, upland piling and rail projects from Norfolk, VA, down to Tampa, FL, to include strategic jobs in the Upper Caribbean.
  • Foundation Constructors is strategically marketing piling and other services to grow business in Arizona and Nevada; the California contractor launched a great looking new website to help.
  • Seismic Surveys, LLC continues transition to a new partnership with Sauls Seismic. President Patrick Hastings, Jr. updates social media users about their growing Texas presence.

Giving back:


Governmental relations:
  • Nucor has broken ground for the anticipated new steel sheet mill in Apple Grove, WV. Learn about the ceremonial event, which brought political heavyweights Gov. Justice, U.S. Sens. Manchin and Capito, and other high-profile parties.
  • Shannon & Wilson, Inc. performed subsurface exploration at an old mine and associate Matthew Grizzell was invited by the State of Colorado to contribute in a technical briefing to U.S. Interior Sec. Haaland and U.S. Rep. Peterson
  • Tectonic crews built a new bridge traffic system on I-95 in Westport, CT; after a news conference unveiling it, company president Don Benvie, SVP Jeffrey Scala and Brian Mercure, P.E., stood for a photo with Gov. Lamont.
  • TRC Companies, Inc. is part of a USDOE-chosen consortium working to establish a new clean hydrogen hub in Appalachia. Company VP Denise Brinley attended a Morgantown, WV, event featuring U.S. Energy Sec. Granholm and U.S. Sen. Manchinto celebrate the community's selection as a hub.
  • Clydesdale Steel joined a small group of participants in the New Jersey capital to discuss needs and concerns in the burgeoning offshore wind industry with the New Jersey Economic Development Authority and other stakeholders.

  • Bechtel Corporation celebrates a big anniversary this year. However, company leadership is focused on imagining the next 125 years! Check out the company's Impact Report, a publication featuring chair/CEO Brendan Bechtel and president/COO Craig Albert, which gives an overview of the impact the global builder has made on our society, while always keeping an eye on the future.
People on the Move
  • Will resumes his role as training and safety manager at Baker GCI in Baton Rouge, following a one-year sabbatical to Africa where he assisted native communities in developing trades programs.
  • Cameron Sunseri is the new sales rep for Associated Pile & Fitting, replacing the recently retired Judy Pomo. He started in June this year and splits time between the Carolinas and New Jersey.
  • Christine Fournier, a past contributor to PileDriver, joins CZM Foundation Equipment marketing.
  • Vivian Makar is a new piling sales rep at Service Steel Warehouse, serving the U.S. West Coast.
  • Ashleigh Hales, P.E., named new civil engineering manager at ESP Associates in Raleigh, NC.
  • Cameron Nations, P.E., was appointed VP of special projects at Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering, PLLC.

In the News

Industry resources:
  • Construction Superintendent published an October article entitled "Construction Employment Rises in 43 States & D.C." Thanks to Belin Wills at Aggregate Technologies, Inc. for the share.
On the Job
APC Construction, LLC successfully installed 12"x 55' pipes for a new Caesars hotel in downtown NOLA, completing Phase 1. The work continues in 2024, but it's unclear if it'll be before or after Mardi Gras.

Blue Iron Foundation & Shoring uses a PVE Equipment USA vibro for cofferdam sheet pile removal. The partnership between PDCA members also appeared when the contractor announced the first job for its new 170K lb., 1K+ HP, long-reach pile driving rig featuring a PVE Equipment hammer attachment.

CS Marine Constructors, Inc. has taken on a role in the Marine Improvement Project at the Port of Los Angeles. It'll bring barges and cranes to help remove and repair timber and PS concrete piling.

Dissen & Juhn and its crew replaced a bulkhead and installed a floating dock for Annapolis, MD, and earned a kind endorsement of their job site etiquette from the waterfront neighbors.

Island Piling, Inc. receives a powerful endorsement from a Ft. Myers Beach, FL, homebuilder, for its work installing piling, complete with an on-site seismologist, for a new residential development.

Omega Foundation Services wins a $2.7M sheet piling project near Boutte, LA. Teams will also perform clearing, grubbing and bank stabilization for the Primrose Canal.

PRECO-MSE partnered with Kiewit to finish an important phase of the Ottawa Light Rail Transit improvement in the Canadian capital. Fittingly, the project team celebrated at a Senators hockey game. One social media user says a T-shirt produced for the event is "The best piling shirt I've seen!!!"
Special pile driving t-shirts

Special pile driving t-shirts commemorating PRECO-MSE/Kiewit job in Ottawa, QC

SUS crews work on Sparrows Point, MD, job, where their ICE-International Construction Equipment hammer stays busy, driving and pulling. See video of their crane barge passing under the iconic Francis Scott Key Bridge as it is departs for another day on the waterfront job.

GeoQuip provided the HPSI hammer used to install JD Fields & Co. steel sheet pile for a 1,400-foot seawall at the Carbide Dock port facility in Sault Ste. Marie, MI.

Tadano marketing guru Patrick Snow is supposed to make company cranes look good. He delivered in a recent LinkedIn campaign for the crawler crane, where he shows machines on job sites using mounted American Piledriving Equipment, HPSI and ICE hammers!

ESP Associates, Inc. joined City of Charleston, SC, officials to break ground on the $72.6M Ashley River Crossing Project. The highly unique initiative features a 4,100-foot-long bridge helping connect Florida to Maine, in the East Coast Greenway. All of that is beyond its significant impact on local infrastructure.

GRL Engineers, Inc. is on the construction roster for the Downtown Tampa Interchange Project in Florida. The contractor shares photos of an ICE-International Construction Equipment hammer installing H-pile from JD Fields & Co.
Planes, Trains, Automobiles...Drones and Horses?
If a visit to the world-famous Flora-Bama is a holiday tradition in your family, your future holds a new and improved drive across the State Route 161 bridge in Orange Beach. Through a contract with ALDOT, Scott Bridge Co. will begin rebuilding the bridge once it is through the procurement process.

London Calling  Drone imagery is valuable to construction. Dawson Construction Plant in the UK shares an aerial view of its Milton Keynes factory. The drone pilot avoids flying 54 miles southeast, and clear of Buckingham Palace airspace because Dave Brown doesn't want an angry call from King Charles.

Razing Arizona  Haley & Aldrich will lead a big clean-up under the tarmac at Arizona's Kingman Municipal Airport. It involves evacuating 40,000 cubic yards of hazardous waste consisting of smelted airplanes that were decommissioned after aerial combat in WWII. H&A promises updates on this job. 

Can this train take you to where the puck is going to be? The City of Edmonton has a new option for transportation to Oilers games. Bechtel president Darren Mort says a new transit system it built through a partnership "rivals other world-class cities." The new development is worthy of a celly!

Let's go bowling! AAC leader SMU plays tomorrow for a conference title and awaits its bowl game assignment. The Mustangs have dominated behind stars like JD Fields-sponsored WR Roderick Daniels, Jr.

Thanks for reading the final installment of A Pile of News for 2023, we will be back with more musings about members in January. Remember, keep sharing your news with us! We appreciate your support and participation in PDCA. Until January 2, 2024, we wish you a happy and safe Holiday Season.

Posted in A Pile of News PDCA Monthly e-newsletter.


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