PileDriver magazine - See the Project of the Year winners

Congratulations to all the winners of The 2021 PDCA Project of the Year Awards Program! For an in-depth read on all winning projects, please click the image to access PileDriver magazine Issue #4-2021 which reveals the projects selected by our judge's panel as the top entries in each category.

Here is a quick recap of the projects you will find within the publication:
  • Land: Less than $5M - "Holbrook Springerville Highway (US 180), Jim Camp Wash Bridge #1602 & Cottonwood Wash Bridge #1603" by Ralph L. Wadsworth (page 70)
  • Land Greater than $5M - "Sierra Point Phase 1 & 2" by Foundation Constructors, Inc. (page 74)
  • Marine Less than $5M - "Ravenswood Tower 001/007 Replacement" by Foundation Constructors, Inc. (page 82)
  • Marine Greater than $5M - "Port of Alaska Modernization Program - Petroleum and Cement Terminal - Phase 1" by Pacific Pile & Marine (page 90)
  • Earth Retention - "Mill Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant High Rate Treatment Facility Diversion Structure" by Richard Goettle, Inc. (page 96)
  •  Associate/Engineering Affiliate Category - "Harbor River Bridge Project" by ICE - International Construction Equipment, Inc. (page 100)
The PDCA Project of the Year Program is the premier competition of the Pile Driving Contractors Association. PDCA thanks all Members who submitted an entry for the 2021 awards. While Issue #4 (the current magazine linked to the image) features all the winning submissions, watch for Issues #5 and #6 which will feature the 2021 runners-up. 

And the time is now to start thinking about what projects you are completing this year and would become eligible for entry in The PDCA 2022 Project of the Year Program. PDCA will open for submissions in January 2022.

Posted in PileDriver Magazine.

Jordan Pile Driving Reaches 75 Years in Business

(L-R): Jordan Pile Driving CEO Curtis Johnson, Office Manager Stephanie Baugh, Project Manager Charles Ernest III

Nestled on the edge of downtown Mobile, Alabama sits the home office of Jordan Pile Driving. Here you will find company leadership, project managers and a support staff going about their day-to-day business. That business just happens to be building many of the roads, bridges and other infrastructure installations you probably already saw when you drove through Alabama and Mobile, on the way to visit them. In case you need refreshed, just stroll down the long central hallway that connects all the individual offices. It's lined with dozens of impressive, framed aerial photos depicting completed job after completed job.

And yes, Jordan Pile Driving has a significant company history with PDCA. D.R. Jordan served two separate terms as PDCA President in the early 2000's. D.R., now retired, was the second generation Jordan to own the company. Visit the company website for a short, but fascinating read on how this foundation company, itself was founded. Presently, D.R.'s son Don Jordan Jr. is the President as it reaches a milestone anniversary this year. 

During a recent visit to meet Don and his team at Jordan Pile Driving, we were treated to a unique story about one of Jordan's major jobs that was completed not once, but twice. As CEO Curtis Johnson tells us, Jordan was selected back in the 1960's by the Alabama Electric Cooperative to install a steel pile foundation for a new coal-fired power plant to be known as the Charles R. Lowman plant. It initially went online in 1969, and once it reached full operation (after subsequent phases), it delivered a total generating capacity of 556MW. For decades, this facility powered many Alabama homes and businesses.

Well, times change. New technologies, social movements and environmental concerns have resulted in a declining demand for coal generated power. Fast forward to today. The once-named Alabama Electric Cooperative has a new name - it's now PowerSouth Energy Cooperative. It still owns the sprawling Washington County property and delivers power to many Alabamans, however, it has retired the aged Lowman facility. In 2019, it pursued plans to develop a gas powered generator on the same property and turned back to their original deep foundation contractor. Yes, it was Jordan who came back to the rural Alabama location near Leroy and again drove steel H-piles for the generating station - 1100 HP in all. The foundation phase was led by Jordan Project Manager Charles Ernest III and is now complete. However, construction continues on the facility and it is expected to go online in a June 2023 commissioning.

Jordan Pile Driving was founded in 1946 which means it reaches its 75th year in business this year. While Curtis doesn't share the secrets to their longevity and success, it is notable that they get repeat customers and that's always good for business. Curtis says at Jordan, the business philosophy is simple; a driven pile is a tested pile. We couldn't agree more! 

PDCA extends it's warmest congratulations to Jordan Pile Driving!

Y'all Come Join Us for the PDCA 2021 Houston Social

(Please note - we have no data or permission to support the following claim): Garrett Smith of the PVE Equipment Texas office sells more equipment when he wears his hat than when he doesn't. He'll be at the Sept. 23rd PDCA 2021 Houston Social; if he's rolls up with the Stetson, you've been advised.

Cowboy hats are optional, but plan to be there for the PDCA 2021 Houston Social. It is scheduled to take place on September 23rd at True Anomaly Brewing (2012 Dallas Street, Houston, TX 77003) from 5:30-7:30 PM CDT. This is a networking event and will include a short program from PDCA discussing the value of establishing a formal, Chapter presence in the South Texas region.

Do you want more incentive to come? Well, it's a FREE event for the entire pile driving industry, PDCA members and non-members alike. Oh, and we will be providing house draft beer and snacks.

Also, PDCA is inviting sponsors for this event, if you are interested, there is room for your company name and logo.

We hope to see you next month for the PDCA 2021 Houston Social. For more information, register and/or sponsor this event, please click the button below:

The PDCA 2021 Houston Social is brought to you in part, by these valued event sponsors:


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