June 24, 2019
Pile Driving Contractors Association Admin

The first of two Deep Foundation Dynamic Testing and Analysis (DFDTA) courses took place in Orlando, Fla., March 1315. Thirty-one attendees and 25 test takers were present for the three-day workshop. The DFDTA course has been offered for many years as a joint program between PDCA and Pile Dynamics, Inc. The course is typically offered in early spring in Orlando, Fla., and late fall in Cleveland, Ohio. Occasionally, the course will be offered in a third location to meet industry demand.
The DFDTA course presents the one-day seminar "Deep Foundation Integrity Testing and Wave Equation Analysis," followed by the two-day workshop "High Strain Dynamic Foundation Testing." On the third-day of the course, the "Dynamic Measurement and Analysis Proficiency Test," a 90-minute, multiple-choice exam that covers the theory of wave mechanics, case method (PDA) equations, data quality assessment, data interpretation and basic CAPWAP analysis, is offered.The next DFDTA course will be offered in Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 1113, 2019, and registration is open on the PDCA website. An early bird discount with $50 off both the seminar and workshop registration fee will be offered until Aug. 9, 2019.
Pile Driving Contractors Association
Pile Driving Contractors Association
Posted in PileDriver Magazine. Tagged as Edition 3, 2019.