In less than one month, the deep foundations industry will descend upon Dallas, TX for the triennial International Foundations Congress & Equipment Expo, commonly known as IFCEE. This is a LIVE, week-long technical conference and trade show which takes place at the Hyatt Regency in Downtown Dallas where more than 125 exhibitors will be spread across both indoor and outdoor exhibition areas. Meantime, there are more than 50 technical presentations at the various, designated meeting rooms and auditoriums within the conference facility available to conference participants. IFCEE happens only once, every three years; it is a collaboration of deep foundations construction association partners, the Pile Driving Contractors Association (PDCA), the Association of Drilled Shaft Contractors (ADSC), the Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) and the Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Registration is underway; enroll in IFCEE 2021 today, and don't forget to reserve your room!
While the event will feature a large variety of content directed at deep foundation construction, don't miss the following programs designed exclusively for PDCA members:
Live meetings of all PDCA standing committees at various times throughout the week
- - A Tuesday morning short course on Working Platforms
- - A Tuesday afternoon short course entitled PDCA Deep Foundations QC/QA for Engineers, Contractors and Inspectors
- - The E.A.L. Smith Award Lecture honoring Dr. Frank Rausche
- - A Thursday Invited Session on Vibrations featuring a presentation from highly regarded subject matter expert Dr. Cathy Aimone-Martin
Please contact PDCA if you have any questions about IFCEE 2021, please visit the show's website at or call PDCA at (904) 215-4771. We look forward to seeing you next month in Dallas!